Airwindows - A Fresh Approach: Looking for some testers and feedback

I mean… It was actually my idea. Don’t use it if it bothers you. I think it is very useful. Cause for now at least the design for all the programs\algorithms is the same and if you have many instances of this module it would be nice to have the program locked so you wouldn’t change it accidently, maybe thinking that it’s another instance (I proposed this feature when ctrl+z wasn’t implemented yet, but I still think it saves a couple of neurons from stress)

Besides, my workflow is very different from yours. I don’t randomize effects this often, if ever… Maybe just to test stuff. But I think it works very good with randomization, the lock effect type thing. Especially if there would be a way to lock it without going to menu (which was promised, i think)

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If Paul likes it, I trust him. Don’t remove a Chesterton’s Fence if there’s somebody wanting the ‘lock effect type’ to be there. Near as I can tell what it means is ‘that randomize? It only changes settings but not which effect is there’. I see the logic of that, as randomly picking an Airwindows effect is maybe a little senseless and likely to produce un-helpful results (but then I don’t use randomize anyway, and already don’t expect it to be helpful…)

It sounds like people are pretty enthusiastic about being able to randomize, but have realized that if they randomize which effect it is, that’s too far. Maybe more of an opt-in, like the menu item says ‘ultra random mode’ and defaults to off, and then if you go ‘what’s thiiiis?’ and select it, you realise that it’s giving you random effect type too :slight_smile:


yeah except for those menu names that’s the answer @jinx6568

I have a plan. i just don’t have any dev time today. stay tuned.

oh although the latest nightly has all the doc strings from chris’s work on the new airwinopedia so should have only finished fx (bye bye verbity2!) and doc for everything

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OK I found 10 minutes.

The next nightly in about 30 minutes will

  1. Have a lockType and a randomize randomizes fx flag default false false
  2. If lock type is true you can’t change type
  3. if randomize fx is true randomize does otherwise it doesn’t
  4. lock type wins (lock true randomize trie == don’t randomize)
  5. there’s also in the selector menu a “pick a random effect” option so you can explicitly roll the dice

should be up before 7pm eastern


Bug report : Windows 10 VCV 2.2.2 using nightly ac119df.

Changing the blocksize up from 4 to 8 to 16 to 32 to 64 works , but changing it from 64 or whatever to a lower number crashes VCV to desktop. Nothing in the log.txt. Also clicking the ? → CTD


All those gestures work on my Mac so I will need to boot windows! I can do that tomorrow or Saturday

If we can get a confirm from another windows user on those ir would be great

Appreciate the clear report

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BTW the ? → CDT gives a log.txt

[295.306 fatal adapters/standalone.cpp:49 fatalSignalHandler] Fatal signal 11. Stack trace:
33:  0x0
32:  0x0
31: _C_specific_handler 0x7ffc3f987f60
30: _chkstk 0x7ffc40552300
29: RtlRaiseException 0x7ffc40501070
28: KiUserExceptionDispatcher 0x7ffc40550f20
27: ZN16AW2RModuleWidget10HelpWidget5setFXERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x7ffbee149580
26: ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvvEZN16AW2RModuleWidgetC4EP10AW2RModuleEUlvE1_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_data 0x7ffbee15cda0
25: ZN6AWHelp8onButtonERKN4rack6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbee14fc70
24: ZN4rack3app12ModuleWidget8onButtonERKNS_6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbf0221b20
23: ZN4rack6widget6Widget8onButtonERKNS1_11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbf06d4d40
22: ZN4rack3app10RackWidget8onButtonERKNS_6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbf022ab20
21: ZN4rack6widget10ZoomWidget8onButtonERKNS0_6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbf06d3630
20: ZN4rack6widget6Widget8onButtonERKNS1_11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbf06d4d40
19: ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget8onButtonERKNS_6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbf024d3f0
18: ZN4rack3app16RackScrollWidget8onButtonERKNS_6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbf0229c00
17: ZN4rack6widget12OpaqueWidget8onButtonERKNS0_6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7ffbf06d3f60
16: ZN4rack6widget10EventState12handleButtonENS_4math3VecEiii 0x7ffbf0251550
15: ZN4rack6window3Svg4loadERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x7ffbf02564e0
14: glfwGetWin32Monitor 0x7ffbf0299e90
13: CallWindowProcW 0x7ffc3fb7e3f0
12: CallWindowProcW 0x7ffc3fb7e3f0
11: glPushClientAttrib 0x7ffc26da9560
10: CallWindowProcW 0x7ffc3fb7e3f0
9: DispatchMessageW 0x7ffc3fb7dfd0
8: glfwPollEventsWin32 0x7ffbf029dc50
7: ZN4rack6window6Window4stepEv 0x7ffbf0257340
6: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7ffbf0257d40
5: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7ffbf0257d40
4: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7ffbf0257d40
3: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7ffbf0257d40
2: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7ffbf0257d40
1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x7ffc403c7600
0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x7ffc40502680

Cool does it ctd on every effect? (Or at least 2 random ones?)

I tested that and, yes on every effect.

Confirmed! Win7, same thing

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Great. As the commit log said windows isn’t posix :slight_smile: with the help at least I think I know what it is and I’m going to rewrite a bit of codd


Thanks for the answers! I see your points although I do not agree.


However the module will be finalized, I’ll be using it. It is a fantastic collection of effects and I’m very pleased with the wonders it can bring to the VCV world.


Yeah I’m not sure what the “right” thing is but if you grab the latest nightly it will do what you want if you just never touch the controls. Namely randomize will never change an effect but you can!

And if people want any of the other combos the menus are there so I think we have this one closed

Will tackle the windows crashes soon but maybe Saturday not tomorrow

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Ahh I see what causes both those bugs. Have the windows help one fixed (needed to boot windows for that) but the block size crash one was possible on mac also if you were unlucky and the missing re-initialization is now fixed.

Should be a new nightly tonight which has both working.

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Just a minor point - you can programmatically disconnect jacks. I do this when Befaco muxlicer goes from 8 to 1 from 1 to 8 (i.e. inputs become outputs and vice versa). So you could disconnect jacks that disappear in theory at least.

Woww, these are so great, what a playground!! And my favorite part is the write-up for each one under the Question Mark. Thanks @jinx6568 @baconpaul , these are really fun!!


I’m back to Fairyland…

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I’d strongly prefer the plugin to never disconnect jacks/cables because I conceptualize it as a sort of box (like a much larger Disting) for which you can select algorithms. I feel I should be able to have a lot of stuff patched up, mis-click or switch algos by mistake, and still have the cables patched to it that I originally had. Otherwise I’ll forget what I’d had patched up and will despair :smiley:


Fair point, and the disting analogy makes sense!


They do,thank you Paul :heart_eyes:

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