Airwindows - A Fresh Approach: Looking for some testers and feedback

This is really exciting. (sorry, that’s all I have to say for now) Oh, and this: Hey Chris, great to see you here!

I ran into something strange with Verbity2. I didn’t expect the room size parameter to do this:

oh i think chris told me that verbity2 was half done at head. I’ll let him comment but one of our todos is figure out exactly which git hashes to build rack from.

Hey this is fun. As I’ve mentioned, we automatically generate the plugin directly from chris’ repo and the airwindopedia. So I’m parsing the airwindowpedia

but that has (basically) the introductory blog entries for each effect, or thereabouts. So I made my parser break those out into the plugin and there’s now a menu 'Show Help" which pops out a side overlay that shows the help for that effect.

There’s some UI work I want to do - it doesn’t have a scrollbar!! And you dismiss it in the module RMB!! - but i merged it so you can start seeing where we will end up.

Especially someone testing it on windows would be great. Menu on module then at the end choose “Show Help”


Ooh - that is a killer feature for an already killer module!


re: Verbity2… Ah, it got out! That’s what I told Paul about: if he includes stuff that’s not in what.txt it can get things that are unfinished or seriously broken. I do indeed have a Verbity2 coming and in fact that bug’s mostly fixed, but you’re playing with secret experiments never meant to see daylight. If you like the noises, sample and use them because it will stop doing that when it’s ready to be a real plugin :slight_smile:


I sent you a list of the ones missing what.txt entry on discord, Chris. Lets figure out which ones are missing and which should be surpassed. Easy to take them out once we know the list is right (as long as we do it before the first library submit).

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This is amazing!

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“Sigh - windows isn’t POSIX is it?” :smile:


Ah, the new “nightly release” brought me a long waited break. :upside_down_face:

I won’t touch the Airwindows module until the “Lock effect type” settings is working in the context menu. This is the change in the last “nightly release” that caught me off guard.

1. Randomize randomizes the FX type now also

I would expect the “Lock effect type” to lock the effect type for the randomization too!

Other notes:

  • hover over Acceleration2 shows a nice short description
  • hover over BussColors4 shows nothing
  • clicking on “?” of Acceleration2 crashes the rack
  • clicking on “?” of BussColors4 shows a nice window (with no text available at the moment)


Oh yea I should add this! It’s a single if so should be in today sometime

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Oh and the missing doc is exactly the what.txt thing I was discussing with chris yup. 49 effects are missing a description

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I thought so. :slight_smile: Honestly I don’t miss the those quick helps that much.

The “Lock effect type” is a show stopper for me but at least I have some time for other stuff until the next release. Since you first put up the module I didn’t have much sleep.


Sleep is for crazy people :smiley:

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You know lock effect type is implemented ight? Just not for randomization - also if you do change. Y accident undo works also

Anywhooz next nightly in about 20 minutes - randomize will obey Lock Effect Type

I want to place an on-panel graphic for lock effect type also - probably a lock icon opposite the help button I added last night - but didn’t get to that and have a busy day. So for now the lock/unlock is still just in the menus.

@baconpaul You are on a roll! Amazing to see these super-useful plugins by @jinx6568 come to VCV!

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We are getting all that stuff fixed: I did a bunch of fixing in my what.txt and Airwindopedia.txt files that the system’s running from, so you should be able to get all the working plugins (and only the working plugins: unreleased ones will be tactfully omitted until they’re done) and help-entries for everything that’s in Airwindopedia. Paul gave me a list of everything that was causing problems, yay Perl :slight_smile:


Even builds on Chromebook Crostini (arm64) if the Makefile has -j 3 instead of trying the whole hog of cores.

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We were considering something but now are not.

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