Ahornberg Harmonizer and CV Frequency Shift are on the way

I’m not good at making tutorial videos, but whatsoever :wink:


Nice. I still think pitch shifter is the proper term.

Agreed, pitch shifter is the industry accepted term for this.

Also I was wondering when something like this would be made!

Looking good! And yes, I also think calling it a pitch shifter is better. A frequency shifter will shift the frequency inharmonically, which is not what’s happening here.

Why I call it CV Frequency Shift and not Pitch Shift:

The input is taken as CV pitch value and is transformed to frequency in Hz, e.g. 0 Volts input = note C4 = 261.63 Hz, then let’s say + 108.36 Hz will be applied, this results in 369.99 Hz = F#4. But if I would have taken C5 = 523.26 Hz as input, by applying the same + 108.36 Hz leads to 631.62 Hz and this frequency lies between D#5 and E5.

So it is a linear frequency shift, of course only on the base frequency, not on overtones that might be produced by VCOs afterwards. My personal intention is to use VCOs that produce sine waves (maybe I should do a more detailled video about that). The module can calc 9 x 16 = 144 values simultaneously, so enough to build complex sounds with inharmonic overtones based on sinewaves.

My personal focus on making this module was to complement my Harmonizer module (maybe I should do a more detailled video about that, too).

@Squinky @Vortico @Omri_Cohen what are you suggestions about naming this module? I would call it “Linear Pitch Shift” or simple “Inharmonic”.

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Oh, so it is a “classic” frequency shifter! From you description it sounds like it does that same thing as the Moog, Surge and Squinky Labs frequency shifters, But instead of one there are many, many of them. So, yes, not a pitch shifter at all.

So I guess the naming question is what aspect of this frequency shifter differentiates it from other frequency shifters, Which do not and have never used the term “linear”?

Anyway, thanks for the explanation.

Again, from the brief description is it sounds like the unique thing is that is can do many at once, yes?

But it does not work on an audio signal, instead it works on note CV.

oh! ok. that is different. thanks.