Adding several modules at once

Is it possible?

Adding modules one by one is very tedious. A way to store a selection of modules that you could load at once would be nice. The main downside for me right now is navigating the VCV browser, but maybe there are ways to deal better with it already?

I have also been missing something similar.

Sometimes I browse a certain tag just to explore, it can be tedious to get a list of modules with that tag, and having to select only 1 and then have to reenter that tag again select next etc.

Also instead of tag, sometimes I want to see all modules in a certain plugin.

However its alot easier with Submarine Module browser: image

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It’s likely to improve in V1, but for now I put together several template files that contain the most common modules for starting a patch. It’s helps some.

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The submarine module browser can do exactly what you want. If you use the disk icon to load a patch, it doesn’t unload the current patch, it inserts the new patch, wires and all.


I did not know that. lol I will check it out. thanks

Thanks a lot, that submarine module browser is going to help a lot :slight_smile:

Shit, I didn’t know that either, superb news.

I save a “basic” patch for components to get my “case” started.Add whatever component for the sounds I am after. Omri_Cohen tutorials show there is a different menu to access in the _VCV Rack_ dropdown menu than standard.I’ve not figured how to change that myself, but sure like Mr Cohen’s rack menu.

Hi, apologies for reviving this old thread but I can’t find a way to do this: selecting and adding several modules at once without leaving the library?

Thanks in advance.

in Rack, click and drag over the modules you want to be able to add together, selecting them all. right click on the selection, and choose “save selection as…” and call it whatever you want.

then, whenever you want to import that group of modules in the future, go to File → Import Selection, and choose your saved selection.

All right, thank you. Not perfect but a good workaround. It’s funny because several modules can be selected in the library at once only that you can’t do anything with that selection - as far as I can see.

I am going to work with the fundamental modules for a while so I have created a patch with all the modules and will use them as needed.

There is Favoriting (Ctrl+Click) that looks like a multi-selection, but it isn’t. It does nothing more than mark individual modules for the Favorites filter.

The browser needs Shift and Shift+Ctrl click for genuine multi-selection, with Enter to commit the selection and insert the modules, or have a menu selection of various operations on the selection:

  • add to patch
  • remove from patch
  • favorite
  • un-favorite
  • hide
  • un-hide
  • copy list to clipboard
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That would be awesome. Honestly adding modules as it is now is to say the less, tedious.

Is there a place for feature requests?

That aside, VCV Rack is fun!

Feature requests:

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I find this to be handy vcvrack-packone/docs/ at v2 · stoermelder/vcvrack-packone · GitHub There’s a menu option to insert a particular module with a keystroke. For instance set “A” to insert your fave VCA, etc

true, but it’s a lot more difficult with a physical eurorack!

Ha ha, good point! I don’t have a physical eurorak (yet) but I bet you don’t change modules with every patch, do you?

Also VCV is becoming (has become) more than an eurorack emulation: polyphony, modulation by other means than cables, presets and other utilities that are only possible in software. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to develop a better user interaction if possible. Or maybe we should use virtual screws to add and remove modules :wink:

This is a good example of what I mean. Thanks for that. I will look into it.

Again, thanks for the suggestions so far, I’ve found ways to get around this “issue”. I have now a template with all the fundamental modules and I’m focusing on them while following Sarah Bell Reids course, which is by the way amazing.

Previously I’ve used the host module to host Madrona Labs Kaivo and Aalto. Hosting modular synths with a modular!