Add .vcvplugin to this list of allowed upload formats?


Please would you add .vcvplugin to the list of allowed upload formats?


I second that request!

I would like the ability to upload beta builds of my plugin for others to test. I know that users can get the beta builds from my github page, but I believe they must have a github account to be able to download.


Would be nice indeed.

But one has to consider the storage usage. It’s cheaper to let someone else store the files.

I’m not sure VCV wants to be in the business of redistributing software, either. Well, of course they do distribute modules, but those usually have direct links back to licenses that allow that.

Published releases can be downloaded from gtihub without the need for an account.


Absolutely. But it is the unpublished beta releases that I am talking about. Perhaps if I implemented the “nightly” build into my build script then unpublished would be equally accessible. But still…

I can see how we should not be uploading someone else’s plugin builds (at least not without permission), but if it is your own plugin, then why not? It just seems like a natural fit.

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Ah right, sorry I missed that you were talking about the unpublished betas.

I suppose one issue that could be could be cause for concern would be the ability to deliver a malicious payload via a vcvplugin file downloaded from the forum.

Sure, completely agree. But that would put the operators of this forum into the business of checking that. And even though most devs are fine with this, even that exception is actually questionable under most licenses.