4ms Meta - Rackception

Just tested external MIDI control - and the MM even powers my Alesis MIDI keyboard! I feel like that’s a win for live use.

You can assign MIDI CC easily on the using but for MIDI pitch and gate you need to use the VCV MIDI module - but this only currently available on VCV, not on the module. MIDI CC can also be pre-assigned using the relevant VCV module.

Hopefully there will be a functional cv > midi on the 4ms at some stage - it would really enhance its utility.

Just a case of porting the VCV CV to MIDI module - may even work already but I’ve not tested it.

Update: Checked and not available yet but hopefully in the future.

Absolutely we do! Guess that’s one for the VCV guys to implement.

I put in a feature request to Support for this early this morning.


Loopop review right here


Thanks for that. The automap feature looks very cool if you just need a module on the fly.

I think you’ve done a great job @4ms at making the interface as usable as possible.

How many HP is the slider module going to be I wonder? I count one each of the existing modules and expanders at 56HP. Will it be 2 banks of 4 in 8HP? One of each in a 64HP Pod would do very nicely.

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Dan shared this in the Members Intro thread, but it is probably worth linking here too. All the info, including the current module list. In the ModWiggler thread, there is news of an imminent new firmware update with more modules coming.



Ok - first patch to share. I updated the 4 x plaits Loopop shared in his video with a few more features.

https://patchstorage.com/4ms-metamodule … v-control/

Also dropped a message to patch storage asking them to set up a specific category for MM rather than have us use the VCV one, which could get confusion due the different filetypes the hardware patches need.


Another patch for you all - 4 x Tides with a fair bit of control and a feature which adjusts the frequency on all four at once.


Omri Cohen just released this video about 4ms:


4ms dan posted a request in patchstorage for a metamodule category, here: MetaModule | Patchstorage - according to info at the top of the “all requests” page, the more of us who comment the faster (im assuming) the new category will get added


Thanks. Useful. The latency test was the very first thing I was going to run when I get the module (today, hopefully). Looks manageable.

Jeremy was honest, the module is not for him, fair enough. I wonder if he has spent as much time in VCV as I suspect many purchasers will have. Few people have anything like, for example, Mike Hetrick’s modules in their rack, unless they are running a text-based module that runs Max or similar. That’s worth the price of admission alone IMO.

I can see that elaborate patching with demanding DSP modules (eg EnOSC, Plateau) is going to be challenging, but that was never my plan. I’m more interested in sequencing, which is not processor-heavy, exotic individual modules, additional interesting modulation sources, and making patches that involve multiples of the same modulation sources, not something you can afford to do in a physical rack.


I’ve had a unit to help with porting Befaco series and few other bits - it took me a while to get my use case, but for me it shines as a macro “module”, as opposed to a full patch (with drums, synth voices etc). So for example, I patched up something a bit like Manniquins three sisters, then added my own twists on it. This is the sort of thing I would have tried to build in C++ with say Dasiy + patch.init(), but that’s a lot more involved for prototyping.

Another example is I wanted to code up something like this, but it’s way easy to throw it together in Rack then export to Metamodule.



what do you think the max # voices is possible using Plaits as the voice, no fx e.g. midi → plaits → mixer → output

aka, how many plaits can you have before dsp overload?

that was not his issue/point…

he was clear, he enjoys eurorack for its immediacy/tactile experience.

frankly, you are not going to get that with metamodule, or any similar module. he was clear, thats not a ‘fault’ of metamodule, rather this type of module (even with something simpler like disting)

this is a well trodden discussion amongst eurorack users, comes up just about every complex digital module, esp. multi function modules. and its a very valid point - what do you want from modular?

why did he review it? I suspect, because no one can deny, its an amazing achievement by 4ms. its also intriguing… its kind of a dream come true, but how does that dream work in reality. I think he did a really good job in talking about this, showing both sides.

also Loopop made a really good point, that unless you need dawless (e.g. live performance), VCV desktop/iOS + audio interface (esp ES9) is a serious consideration.

don’t get me wrong, some are going to love this module, its there dream come true, despite limitations - so will be big fans of it. esp. with the # modules available etc.

but its not going to be for everyone, the lack of tactile interface, ‘hassle’ of creating patches will put some off…

Im somewhere in between the two camps… Ive pre-ordered and Im kind of excited, but do have concerns on usability. theres no doubt the display is smaller than Id have liked, and honestly, the use of pots vs encoders is problematic for me. (esp. w/ knob sets concept )

but I think, in the right use-cases, taking into consideration limitations, it could be really useful for my rack also as a dev, Ive got some ideas for modules that excite me.

so, Schneiders, hurry up and sort out my pre-order :laughing:


It’s about as tactile as this sort of module can be. You aren’t getting the visual feedback as clearly as a real module, but the knobs are nice, and I plan on adding several expanders to prevent as much screen use as possible.

Mine came this afternoon. I was able to quickly patch up an EnOsc into Plateau, and fill up the extra outputs with three Sloths. Quick and dirty patching like this was very easy. I think MM is a boon in a small case where you are going to be missing utilities and modulation.

I have a Zoia and two flavours of Disting, and they’re all evil to work with. This is a pleasure in comparison.

Gratuitous first patch photo (a complex drone):

I’ll start reporting in greater detail on my Meta explorations in a new user thread from now on.


exactly, nature of the beast… and for some, that is not going to be enough, as tactile/immediacy is why they got into eurorack - so its never going to fit that goal, hence why it was not for RMR.

also, yeah, if you are using a small case, where you value functionality over tactile, then indeed multifunction modules (like MM) are going to win.

as I said, this has been argued, ad-nauseam on places like modwiggler. usually under the guise of ‘menu diving’ , but its not far from the similar ‘discussions’ on analog vs digital modules !

it all just comes down to what you want from modular…which is a very personal thing, thats kind of the point of build a modular rack :wink:


Question for the ones already using the meta module, is the vcv scope refresh rate any good? i saw that scrolling the patch in meta had a low fps rate but havent seen something like the scope .

AFAIK 4ms has stated that they’re working on a custom scope for the meta - so we will have to wait for their solution. Presumably the 4ms meta isn’t able to supply quick enough frame updates for the vcv modules.