#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import re import json import xml.etree.ElementTree # Version check f"Python 3.6+ is required" class UserException(Exception): pass def find(f, array): for a in array: if f(a): return f def input_default(prompt, default=""): str = input(f"{prompt} [{default}]: ") if str == "": return default return str def is_valid_slug(slug): return re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$', slug) != None def slug_to_identifier(slug): if len(slug) == 0 or slug[0].isdigit(): slug = "_" + slug slug = slug[0].upper() + slug[1:] slug = slug.replace('-', '_') # Replace special characters with underscore slug = re.sub(r'\W', '_', slug) return slug def create_module( panel_filename=None, source_filename=None): # Check filenames if panel_filename and source_filename: if not os.path.exists(panel_filename): raise UserException(f"Panel not found at {panel_filename}.") print(f"Panel found at {panel_filename}. Generating source file.") if os.path.exists(source_filename): if input_default(f"{source_filename} already exists. Overwrite?", "n").lower() != "y": return # Read SVG XML tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(panel_filename) components = panel_to_components(tree) print(f"Components extracted from {panel_filename}") # Write source source = components_to_source(components) with open(source_filename, "w") as f: f.write(source) print(f"Source file generated at {source_filename}") def panel_to_components(tree): ns = { "svg": "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "inkscape": "http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape", } # Get components layer root = tree.getroot() groups = root.findall(".//svg:g[@inkscape:label='components']", ns) # Illustrator uses `id` for the group name. if len(groups) < 1: groups = root.findall(".//svg:g[@id='components']", ns) if len(groups) < 1: raise UserException("Could not find \"components\" layer on panel") # Get circles and rects components_group = groups[0] circles = components_group.findall(".//svg:circle", ns) rects = components_group.findall(".//svg:rect", ns) components = {} components['params'] = [] components['inputs'] = [] components['outputs'] = [] components['lights'] = [] components['widgets'] = [] for el in circles + rects: c = {} # Get name name = el.get('{http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape}label') if name is None: name = el.get('id') name = slug_to_identifier(name).upper() c['name'] = name # Get color style = el.get('style') color_match = re.search(r'fill:#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})', style) color = color_match.group(1).lower() c['color'] = color # Get position if el.tag == "{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}rect": x = float(el.get('x')) y = float(el.get('y')) width = float(el.get('width')) height = float(el.get('height')) c['x'] = round(x, 3) c['y'] = round(y, 3) c['width'] = round(width, 3) c['height'] = round(height, 3) c['cx'] = round(x + width / 2, 3) c['cy'] = round(y + height / 2, 3) elif el.tag == "{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}circle": cx = float(el.get('cx')) cy = float(el.get('cy')) c['cx'] = round(cx, 3) c['cy'] = round(cy, 3) if color == 'ff0000': components['params'].append(c) elif color == '00ff00': components['inputs'].append(c) elif color == '0000ff': components['outputs'].append(c) elif color == 'ff00ff': components['lights'].append(c) elif color == 'ffff00': components['widgets'].append(c) else: print(f"Unidentified Component {name} with color {color}") # Sort components on name top_left_sort = lambda w: (w['name']) components['params'] = sorted(components['params'], key=top_left_sort) components['inputs'] = sorted(components['inputs'], key=top_left_sort) components['outputs'] = sorted(components['outputs'], key=top_left_sort) components['lights'] = sorted(components['lights'], key=top_left_sort) components['widgets'] = sorted(components['widgets'], key=top_left_sort) print(f"Found {len(components['params'])} params, {len(components['inputs'])} inputs, {len(components['outputs'])} outputs, {len(components['lights'])} lights, and {len(components['widgets'])} custom widgets.") return components def component_to_source(sufix, c): if 'x' in c: return ' const Rect ' + f"""{c['name']}_{sufix} = Rect(mm2px(Vec({c['x']},{c['y']})),mm2px(Vec({c['width']},{c['height']})));\n"""; else: return ' const Vec ' + f"""{c['name']}_{sufix} = mm2px(Vec({c['cx']},{c['cy']}));\n"""; def components_to_source(components): source = "// generated by update_positions.py\n"; source += "#include \"plugin.hpp\"\n"; # anon... namespace source += "namespace POS\n{"; # Params if len(components['params']) > 0: source += "\n" for c in components['params']: source += component_to_source("PARAM",c); # Inputs if len(components['inputs']) > 0: source += "\n" for c in components['inputs']: source += component_to_source("INPUT",c); # Outputs if len(components['outputs']) > 0: source += "\n" for c in components['outputs']: source += component_to_source("OUTPUT",c); # Lights if len(components['lights']) > 0: source += "\n" for c in components['lights']: source += component_to_source("LIGHT",c); # Lights if len(components['widgets']) > 0: source += "\n" for c in components['widgets']: source += component_to_source("WIDGET",c); source += "}"; return source def usage(script): text = f"""jnorberg Helper Utility Usage: {script} ... Commands: update_positions [panel file] [include file] Example: {script} res/MyModule.svg src/MyModulePos.inl See https://vcvrack.com/manual/PanelTutorial.html for creating SVG panel files. """ print(text) def parse_args(args): script = args.pop(0) if len(args) == 0: usage(script) return create_module(*args) if __name__ == "__main__": try: parse_args(sys.argv) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except UserException as e: print(e) sys.exit(1)