Your favorite sequencer tool that is beginner friendly?

I was thinking the same!


Haha, my head is already exploding by all those recommendations! But thanks already for all the recommendations and suggestions - appreciate anyones time to write those answers!


Thanks for everyone for those great recommendations! I looked in some of them but went very simple and just dabbled around with SEQ 3 a little bit and came up with some good sounding Bass lines.

What I miss now is something like a Swing setting? :grinning:

So in Ableton there’s for example this amazing max4live device called MDD Snake which is basically a port from the Make Noise Rene (not sure if the hardware has swing built in, I don’t thing so).

Anyway, is there any hack or so to add swing. Or is the swing named differently on some sequencers (sorry again, I feel like the biggest noob asking those questions even if I have years of experience from production but this feels like asking where the “play” button inside Ableton is :smiley: )

The beauty of this trial and error approach is, that I get to a point where it evolves naturally like I want this sequencer doing longer sequences but it’s not able to do (I guess) or swing and what not…

Thanks a lot

There are a ton of ways to get swing. I think there was a thread about that recently. The Imprompu Clocked that everyone uses makes it pretty easy.


Use anLFO set to pulse as a clock and modulate the output / pulse width to get adjustable swing.

That was probably this thread - Good Clock Modulators? - #8 by auretvh - on modulating clocks in general, where @auretvh also proposed using an inverted square wave from an LFO and modulating the pulse width. The gimmick being that it’s now the rising edge of the pulse instead of the falling edge that is … uh … swung, yet the period remains the same.

I suppose it would be a trivial thing to have the sequencer do the PWM on a per-step basis if there can be CV output dedicated to just that, such as with the Fundamental SEQ3 module.

Now that I think more on it, there might be a chance for “fence post” errors as to exactly when the pulse is modified. Unless it doesn’t matter.

well, for sure a sequencer can do that, but only if it has a high frequency clock input or can interpolate clocks. It’s a little more “normal modular” to have the clock do this stuff.

For sure I put swing into my DOS sequencer in the 80’s (precursor to Seq++), but in VCV I don’t think that would be a popular way to go…

I suppose so. :thinking:

But where’s the fun in that? Here’s what my Dancing Bear proof-of-concept looked like:

“The marvellous thing about a dancing bear is not how gracefully it dances, but that it dances at all.” - somebody or other, a long time ago


I’m not keen on only having swing available via the clock in something like a drum sequencer that has lanes for say a kick, that you want to stick to a rigid four to the floor, and hats that swing. I understand that modular can mean separate sequencers for each element, but where do all the Dogme 95 style rules end, do we have to only ever use sine wave oscillators because anything else is cheating?

calm down, sparky, it’s ok! Obviously I think it’s fine - for one thing my Seq++ let’s you easily nudge individual notes/drums by tinny amounts. And it does require a 96 PPQ clock.

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Speaking of variety and user friendly dont forget Orcas Heart


I really would love to get some touch interface this mouse clicking on sequencers makes me dizzy.

Other than that. Which sequencer comes close to “Live Session View”. I’d really like to have some advanced sequencers … Yes I know: The “PRO” Version as VST and then just use a grown up sequencer. Jet would be nice to have a setup inside of rack.

And I already know the answer from you guys: Entrian and Seq++ I just don’t like how I have to use them.

@Squinky would you be open for some UX improvements, if I can come up with some?

Sorry, no, I don’t maintain those modules any longer. @robert.kock does.

I personally consider that module one of my biggest failures. There is an enormous amount of code in there, an enormous amount of work to write it all, and an enormous amount of test code. As far as I can tell it’s rarely used. I think I missed the mark on that one.

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I wouldn’t call them a failure. They do their job. It’s just kind of not really intuitive for me. And thanks for the pointer of the updated modules. You do have a lot of hits in there.

oh, I’m not trying to feel sorry for myself, and yes, there were some pretty popular Squinky Labs modules. There are just a few notable flops that took maybe 10X to 100X more effort to develop and were never super popular. Those being Seq++, SFZ Player and 4X4.

:thinking: I dunno about that. SFZ Player is pretty popular with me. And, as near as I can tell, it’s the only module of its kind. :+1:t3:


Love your patch!

I will second that. SFZ Player is very popular with me and the only SFZ player in VCV Rack that I know of. I think a lot of people are sleeping on the possibilities that it provides.

For beginner friendly sequencers, in addition to the excellent modules already mentioned, I would suggest looking at the Sha#Bang! modules. There are several really good generative sequencers that are fun and pretty easy to figure out.

(scroll down, sequencers towards the end)

I love Seq++ - MIDi import into a piano roll in VCV is awesome. OT but SFZ player is great! Organ-3 too.

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SFZ is great! I’m sorry you feel that it is under appreciated.