stoermelder STRIP: Copy/pasting strips across patches

  1. Get a bunch of modules wired up as a functional unit.
  2. Add a @stoermelder Strip module to the right of the module group – they need to be touching and separate from everything else in your patch.
  3. On the Strip, select ‘Copy’ or control-C
  4. Without exiting Rack Load a new patch.
  5. Add a Strip module in the new patch
  6. Choose paste or control-V on the new Strip.
  7. The new patch now has a copy of the Strip preset from the old patch!

I think I know WHY this works – the copy/paste buffer for a module doesn’t get erased because a new patch is loaded – but it is SO COOL.


Yeah, the strip is saved in the operating system’s clipboard. You can also paste it to a text editor and save it for later :slight_smile:


Exactly, this makes it even cooler! :smiley:


At this point, Ben, every patch has several Stoermelder modules. Strip & 8Face are perfect how I want to work.

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Crikey! I have to see if I can paste into emacs.

Easy peasy!

% xsel -o >somename.vcvss will dump that cut/copy to the file.

The other way works too: % xsel < bendmod.vcvss then use shift+V to paste.

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That’s pretty cool. I’m not trying to hijack this thread (fat chance!), but do want to point out that there are four or more different devs that support a common clipboard format for sequence data. So you can copy from Squinky Labs, Impromptu, Entrian and Aria and paste the same data into emacs :wink: Here’s the spec:


This is more about having alternate ways of dealing with strips. I’m not, myself, much of a generative/sequence sort of guy. I mainly patch stuff to stick on the end of MIDI keyboards.

Hijack away Squink. I don’t care.

This brings up an idea that’s more in my wheelhouse as a programmer: Writing scripts (Node? Python?) that generate strips or entire patches.

You mean like a node script that would generate a JSON file that rack or strip loads? That’s a cool idea.

I’m more of a LuaJIT guy, but I’ve had thoughts about writing some patch munging tools as there’s a nice json (un)pack library available.

JSON is no problem with node and javascript.

copy-pasting works the same way with any module though, not only strips!

here’s a tutorial for the longest method to set a knob :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(un)fortunately NOTES doesn’t have scroll…


from the past:

to elaborate:

I’m afraid just generating strips/patches with scripting could hardly give you meaningful connections. Cables might go into any port, but most modules don’t work well with unexpected types of signals, some ports wants gates, some cv, some audio etc. It is interesting to go against this from time-to-time, but mostly it just results in silence/noise.

So a generator would either need explicit knowledge about which ports expect what, or intuition based on prior examples, which could come from machine learning techniques.

sure, that’s all true. But if someone wants to make a generator that knows about their 10 or 20 favorite modules it wouldn’t be that difficult.

Definitely, didn’t mean to discourage any sort of development in this direction! For me though, the exciting part of a generator like this isn’t that it’d give me random patches based on the 20 modules I use all the time already.

Anyway, it would be nice if ports could be configured/labeled like params (sort of coming), but with the addition to specify what type of port it is. I think this would be useful in general, not only in terms of a patch generator. A lot of us are already using some type of visual clue to distinguish between triggers/cv/audio maybe even v/oct.