Why do gfx issues cause clicks and pops?


On my desktop I had trouble running Ableton Live and VCVRack at the same time. This was back when I thought this was a good idea. I upgraded to a more modern/powerful video adapter and the problem went away.

“running two OpenGL applications is usually not supported well”

How might that affect VCV once multiple instances are running as VSTs? Haven’t noticed any problems running multiple OpenGL apps across three monitors since I got a RX570, I can run blender and two instances of rack with no apparent issues.

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Since both OpenGL contexts would be running on the main thread, I think it might work fine. Not sure, haven’t tested it yet.

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who are you quoting there?


ah, ok. tx!

So how do I quote someone including their name like you did?

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Highlight what you want to quote, press reply. Or, start the reply, then highlight the text to quote and press the Quote button that appears


Thank you!

On a related subject, is there a way to measure if a module is heavy on the GPU ? I assume the CPU meter only refers to the audio process.

No, there is no easy way to do that.

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But, as the link explains, there are some things that developers can measure themselves. While these things aren’t the whole story, they are useful. We did this to find gross inefficiencies in our modules that were fixed last release.

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Yes, you’re absolutely right. In my reply the emphasis is on „easy“

For sure! Let the agreement continue :wink:

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