Wavefolder Recommendation

Hi guys, since the plugin search engine can only search plugin brands(?), I was wondering if you guys can help me find a good wave folder. Maybe something similar to a Buchla or Serge Waveshaper/Wavefolder?

Much appreciated!

I like the DHE, and the Vult Debriatus. Special mention goes to the Lindenberg West Coast that actually has a “Serge” mode. Also Squinky Labs do a good one.


Debriatus is a brilliant wavefolder, but can get quite nasty too if that is what you want

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lindenberg west coast includes a serge wavefolder.

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Thank you guys!

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Squinky Labs has many shapes, and also has an oversampling control to go from tons of aliasing all the way to almost none. Also has a detailed manual: https://github.com/squinkylabs/SquinkyVCV/blob/master/docs/shaper.md