Warp Core, a phase distortion oscillator, now available in the Library

Looks great!

Congrats [edit:] @InfrasonicAudio! Module looks great and I love the software => hardware => software carousel. With @modlfo by your side you’re in good company :slight_smile:

Maybe I should have made this clear in my post, but I’m not the developer. Just a fan of the Warp Core VCV Rack module and someone that has ordered the hardware.

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Sorry–that was aimed at @InfrasonicAudio , sloppy reply practices on my part :confused:

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Thanks for posting that the hardware version is out! It slipped my mind as I’ve been busy hunched over a soldering iron for the past few weeks to fulfill orders (a good thing, as I’ve almost sold out of my initial run).

I’m also going to be launching the expander sometime in the next month, which is an internally normalled envelope generator and VCA that turns the oscillator into a dedicated voice - just patch in a gate signal and off you go. And then I need to work on scaling up smoothly as I really don’t want to be hand soldering for the rest of my life :rofl:

Still mulling over if/how/when I want to bring the hardware version changes back into VCV Rack :thinking: part of the equation is that I do intend to eventually open-source the firmware for the hardware version, so I might want that timing to coincide with the release of a new plugin version.


Great news. Any idea how many HP the expander will be?

Interesting. Will be great as and when you can start selling modules outside of North America.

It will be 4hp

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There are currently 15 units en route to Schneidersladen in Germany for international retail. I am ambitiously hoping to have scaled up for more sustainable global distribution by the end of the year. If not, early next year most likely.


The hardware patch started as an attempt to create a decent kick drum with Instruo Ts-L. Caudal is twisting and turning the Warp Core which goes into Chronoblob2 and Resonate (After Later’s Rings clone). I made the VCV Rack patch afterward to approximate what’s happening in the hardware recording. There are substitutions as necessary for hardware modules that aren’t in VCV Rack. The result is not exactly the same but that’s okay. Virtual racks have their own charms and can be shared for everyone to take the Warp Core for a spin. Enjoy!