Venom Release Announcements: latest version 2.9.1

2.4.1 here, no crash on windows

I still can’t update, have an exam/show in 10 days and I can’t afford my patches not to work in the DAW :crossed_fingers:

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Oh no - I don’t like the sound of that!

Generally my sentiment as well. However, I can’t find any stacked inputs in that patch, so that can’t be the cause. I’m not aware of any other Rack 2.5 dependencies, so the crash concerns me.

@karlderletzte - What platform and sample rate are you running? Can you post a log file after the crash? Does it reliably crash? What about the Sound Cathedral patch - does that crash as well?

the patch Sound Cathedral works. here is the log file after try to load Unison… log.txt (129.7 KB)

i am running on Linux Ubuntu 23.10 samplerate 48khz buffersize 1024 or 256. hope it helps

the other patches are working.

uups i restart and delete cache. now Unison loads correrctly, but Solar 42 v2.1 Gentle Ambient is crashing. here is the logfile. log.txt (42.5 KB) hope it helps and sorry for the trouble.

OK, I think I mostly understand what is happening. VCV is crashing when you have loaded a patch using a Venom expander, and then try to load another patch.

Prior to Rack 2.5, VCV had a bug in the expander implementation that could cause VCV to crash when a Venom expander module is deleted. That is what happens when you load a new patch - the old patch must first be removed, which includes deleting the Venom expanders.

In Venom 2.7 I introduced a hack to work around the bug, and at least in my testing, it prevented crashes. Then in Rack 2.5.x VCV fixed the bug, so in my Venom 2.8 I kept the hack in place, but disable it if Rack is 2.5 or above.

I don’t know if I have a bug in my hack disable code, or if my original hack was not as good as I thought it was. Either way, I am pretty sure the crashes you are seeing will disappear once you update Rack to 2.5.2.

In the mean time, as long as you continue to use Rack 2.4.1, you can expect to see crashes when deleting Venom Expanders (either directly or via loading another patch). But after the crash, when you relaunch and VCV asks if you want to clear your patch and start over, say yes. I think then you will be able to load your next patch.


hello, thank you for the explanation. I update Rack to 2.5.2 and now it works. There was a missing modules from ShaBang. After install it, the patch works. Wonderful! Now i will try a third attempt to understand Solar42. Until now i do not get any sound out of it from a naked patch. I think, i have to patch the patchbay to let it sound :slight_smile:

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No - you only have to enable an oscillator in at least one of the voices, and also set the mix for that voice to non-zero. If you are interested in creating your own patch with the emulator, then definitely read the ELTA documentation and/or watch some videos about the hardware. That, plus the documentation built into the emulator should be enough to get you going.

Yay - It is here, and I am so grateful…

You can now watch Omri’s video about the VCO Lab. I even learned some things!

Thank you so much Omri!


I just started toying with VCO Lab and it just is wonderful and unique to have in one module. Superb design!!


Thank you! That is wonderful to hear.

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VCO Lab is seriously impressive Dave - great job!


Great job, Dave! My mind boggles at the work that went into making VCO Lab, and the creative insight to provide so many different ways to apply modulation and feedback into the waveform. I was recently thinking about how to include a simple VCO as a component inside a module I want to create. VCO Lab gives me a wonderful playground to prototype ideas.

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Thanks Steve - coming from you (part of the MIndMeld team), that really means something.


Yes! That strongly resonates with the origin of this module. Many of the design decisions stem from my past endeavors to emulate various pieces of hardware, such as the Future Sound System OSC2 Recombination Engine, and the XAOC Sofia Transcendent Waveform Analog Oscillator. There were existing VCOs that could do much of what I wanted, except for some niggling details that prevented me from completely achieving my vision. I don’t think I invented any new concepts for VCO Lab, but I combined a bunch of basic concepts in a way that allows them all to be combined in ways that had never been possible before. I find great satisfaction in trying out various “what if…” scenarios that result in end product patches. But it is also great for prototyping ideas for other VCOs.


Some great sounds in there, great work Dave!

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An insane update Dave. VCO Lab is really amazing. I have also spent many hours with it. Also thanks for your Patch Bay modules. Al your modules are just cool. What I also love is the design of all the modules. I think that the eye also needs something. That has to be said.

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Thanks Lars. Your support always feels good.

Yes - thank you! I was worried people would be preoccupied with VCO Lab and overlook the Bay Modules. I should think anyone that uses Little Utils Teleport utilities would really appreciate the added features of my Bay Modules.

Thanks again! The visual design is important to me. Obviously I am a strong proponent of form from function. One of the things that fascinates me is the beauty and complexity of sounds that can be produced by carefully applying and mixing really basic concepts. So it is important for me that the visual design reinforces the underlying concepts. I know a number of developers start with rudimentary unlabeled faceplates and create a working module before worrying about visual design. But I typically spend hours sketching out faceplate design on paper before I write a single line of code. And then I create the nearly finished faceplate in InkScape before I write the code. Of course it evolves once I start writing code, but the end product still looks very similar to the initial design.

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oh, just curious. Is the LIN FM input FM or PM?

It is true through zero linear FM. By default the port is AC coupled (a high pass filter with a low cutoff is applied), so that modulation with DC offset can still give harmonious results. If you didn’t know this, you might think it is phase modulation when a constant voltage applied to the linear FM doesn’t have any effect. The port has a context menu option to make it DC coupled, at which point constant input indeed has an effect.

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I’m guessing that if one wants the “classic” PM sound, one can run an audio rate modulator into a phase input on VCO Lab?