This really isn’t the right place for this inquiry. It would be better at ELTA Solar 42 Emulator v2 and challenge. If you couldn’t find that topic, it would be better as its own new topic.
I remember running into this myself at one stage. I think the source was a cable management module somewhere in the patch that wasn’t needed, and was interfering. I tried all the Solar 42 patches I could find on my local machine, as well as downloading some of my Solar 42 patches on PatchStorage and from the link above, and I cannot reproduce the problem anymore. So I am not sure what is going on.
You’re right, this is the wrong place, sorry. But in the meantime I was able to find the source of the problem. It’s the Submarine ‘Wire Manager’ module in the third row that I hadn’t noticed before. Orange was clicked on there and this ensures that all new cables turn orange. Now everything is fine.
Mouse Paddocumentation- Use your mouse as a controller
Poly Fadedocumentation- Phasor driven cross fade between channels of a polyphonic input, with envelope shaping
Quad VC Polarizerdocumentation - A compact emulation of Mutable Instruments Blinds, with polyphony and other enhancements
VCO Unitdocumentation - VCO Lab’s little brother with all the same features, except only one waveform at a time. Be sure to check out new waveform morphing, including the even waveform
Mix Pan Expander
Add polyphony support to CV inputs
Add waveform morphing shape modes
Sine: square ↔ sine ↔ saw
Triangle: sine ↔ triangle ↔ square
Square: triangle ↔ square ↔ saw
Saw: square ↔ saw ↔ even
Sum of Level parameter and Level CV now limited to 100%
Module context option to disable Level limit
Old patches default to unlimited
Level CV can now be configured for unipolar or bipolar (ring mod) input
Default is unipolar
Old patches default to bipolar
Level CV Ring Mod context menu option renamed VCA unity = 5V
Square Full PWM shape option color changed from blue to orange to match new VCO Unit module
Bug Fix
Bay Modules
Fix crash on some platforms when a linked Bay Input is deleted.
Benjolin Gates Expander
Fix LED gate indicators broken in v2.9.1
Trigger button did not work properly via PatchMaster control when in momentary mode. It now works properly as long as Trigger input not patched.
Mix 4 and VCA Mix 4
Bug fix for Pre Offset when using the Mix Offset expander
Venom 2.10 has been submitted, and should appear in the library soon. In the mean time you can get official binaries in the link below:
Here are some videos and patches introducing the new modules and some enhancements.
Lately I have been seeking a module with the functionality of Quad VC Polarizer. It seems to have arrived in the Rack Library just as I needed it. Your work is much appreciated @DaveVenom!
Cool. I would never have thought to create that module had it not been for @Schabbes inquiry about Southpole Bandana.
When designing my earlier Mix modules, I looked at a lot of other existing modules, and Mutable Instruments Blinds / VCV Quad VC Polarizer intrigued me a lot. But it wasn’t until @Schabbes inquiry that I looked even deeper, and realized the design is cooler than I realized, and I thought about what enhancements I could add to make development of a Venom version worth while.
New phasor input slew rate parameter, defaults to off
Removed audio pops when changing internal phasor direction
Reduced audio pops when changing channels or start channel
New context menu option to disable “Reset if direction off”
(breaking change) Ping pong internal phasor rate is now 1/2 displayed rate to preserve constant rate of channel switching
Bug Fixes
Repaired default themes system that was broken in v2.4.1
The wave folder handles both LFO and audio rate modulation extremely well, with available oversampling. It can function as a wave folding VCA and/or ring modulator. I haven’t found another wave folder that sounds the same, so you may want to check this one out.
The Poly Fade enhancements make a huge difference when using CV modulation. Be on the lookout for a video from Omri that features the Poly Fade, coming soon…