VCV Rack crash - solved !!!!

Hello, I need help. Since today it is impossible for me to open any patch. vcv rack launches and closes immediately after loading the patch. If sometimes it manages to write the file, it crashes because I select a device in the vev audio module! I tried to reinstall it but the problem is still the same. I use version 2.4.1 Can you help me please Thierry

I FIND a solution ! the last time vcvrack crashed, the sample rate was at 24 kHz…iopen vcv without patch and change this values to 48kHz and everything back to normal !!! some one could explain to me ?

Do you use Valleys reverb Plateau ? It’s known that it crashes RACK when sample rates are used below 44.1

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that’s it thx so much Peter.


sampleRate isn’t reliable:

  • On VCV Rack start (in particular while loading autosave.vcv). This may cause to get possible erratic values/variables/flags, may cause potential crashes (module, or VCV Rack itself).

  • While AUDIO-x module isn’t present in your rack, or badly configured.

Developers may place safeguards at multiple points (such constructors, widgets, very first DSP frames…).

This problem is existing since early versions of VCV Rack (0.x) I remember during 2017, and was never solved, unfortunately. Perhaps a dependent faulty library…