VCV Rack 2 teaser

I just can’t wait

studio edition for sure

much :heart:

Obviously you never paid for an iLok protected software.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Great news!!

It was probably just a joke with “ILock” :slight_smile:

I agree that iLok is big doo doo, i only ever had to use it once, but it was so painful to get working, i really regret buying the VST that needed it :sweat_smile: (for a few other reasons too)

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I know in the past iLok gave a lot of people headaches particularly when it needed a dongle…but I have lots of iLok plugins now and they are completely trouble-free (apart from one…) and just require a single log in on initial install to authorise the computer and then you can forget about it unless/until you get a new computer.

The one that’s a pain doesn’t allow you to authorise the computer and will only work with either a dongle (which I don’t have) or a ‘cloud session’ which means you have to be online to use it (looking at you Seventh Heaven…grrrr)

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No, we use our own in-house DRM for commercial products which is very user friendly and transparent. If you’ve purchased a VCV module or certain third-party modules, you’ve likely already been using our DRM without even noticing it.


Discussing copyright infringement or piracy is strictly prohibited from this forum. This is your final warning.


Unfortunately i have to use iLok for several purchased plugins that i use.

I say unfortunately, cause reselling the bought licenses is a very expensive pain! That is the one true gripe with iLok.

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Yeah, baby! Can not wait! :slight_smile: How hard is it gonna hit my CPU? At the moment I am creating small patches because of my old computer, the upgrade is about a year ahead…If it needs more resources I’ll just have to get more creative with patching. :smiley:

Amazing news and a great teaser Andrew - I hear a collective “finally” :slight_smile: You’ve certainly been busy, there’s all manner of goodies and improvements on display in that teaser, can’t wait to use it. I like the GUI upgrades and the upgraded module browser looks great, with ‘favorites’ - wohoo :slight_smile: . And fantastic with the module select/copy feature! And really good news that porting from V1 will be easy, I’m a bit nervious about some of my favorite modules not making it (fingers crossed for Blamsoft).

First feature request (sorry): Please consider including a few zoom-levels above 100% in the module browser. This is the killer feature for me in the Stoermelder MB.


That’s not in VCV - Community Rules from what I can tell. You might want to update that before swinging the ban hammer around in full view. Yes, its your community, you can enforce rules as you please, but it’s also just a bad look to enforce rules that don’t exist.

I also wasn’t condoning piracy in the traditional sense, as I directly said “I will legitimately pay for it”. I 100% agree that VCV, and every software developer or creative, deserves to be paid for their work! Paying for a product but then waiting for the DRM-Stripped version is actually fairly common practice among gamers where the Denuvo software is know to cause significant performance impacts making the experience worse for customers that don’t do this, this is why many big game publishers will actually remove the DRM from the official release once it’s been cracked. I am very glad to see you’re using the same DRM that has been used up to this point as I’ve had no issues with it despite having VCV installed on all of my computers and in both Linux and Windows. Thank you.

I will not talk about copyright infringement or related topics further as that rule is now clear; however as you and I have directly talked about community relations before I think you can understand how just coming right out with this threat is extremely concerning to me.


My happiest congratulations for this huge milestone! I am loving the new design from what I can see in the video, the idea for the patch cable pointer is awesome. Thanks, looking forward to the release!

  • mo
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At least I don’t think replicating / putting a new take on XFX Wave is out of the question, though it does have some amazing tables and effets I would miss - I think half of my patches use the Viking table with the Juno effect :stuck_out_tongue: Loosing XFX Overdrive would be a hit too. I’ve been using Vult’s Flame as my go-to since I bought it, but prior to that the XFX one was my go-to. I also haven’t given the AS SuperDrive that much of a shot, and I guess any mono-drive works well with Stoermelder’s Mirror so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I suspect the release of VCV2 and especially the VST will drive enough development to make up for whatever doesn’t get ported reasonably quickly.

Also, I got permission from Aria to update her modules to 2.0 with her name still on them so long as it’s only update & fixes, not like redesigns and new features, so assuming porting to 2.0 isn’t a massive pain with that codebase that’s one less loss too.

I know quite a few devs have actually fallen away between the release of 1.0 and now, but in a way I’m looking forward to that? Like, having some modules need replacements may inspire better alternatives to get made.


Regardless of your overall intent, you can’t seriously expect to talk about using cracked software on the software owners site. Use a bit of common sense.



@Vega took the warning, clarified, and (reasonably IMO) suggested that the rules be explicit on this point. Communities figure out norms together and it’s a bumpy process. Let’s none of us (myself included) derail the glorious Rack 2 announcement thread!

This is great news. Really happy to hear that. They’re such fantastic modules.


Excellent :slight_smile:


Assuming this is a good place to off shoot some questions from the development-blog now that it’s announced:

Added fix suggested by @stoermelder to allow plugins to register their own audio/MIDI drivers. For example, it will be possible to create a plugin that installs an audio driver that communicates with an Arduino over a serial connection and exposes CV as a 1000 Hz audio interface.

Will these work in the VST still? I suppose that’s part of the larger “Will extra audio interfaces work in the VST” question too

// Short circuit outputs to inputs when bypassed

Will bypassing a module still incur a 1-sample delay from the “ghost” module?

It’s okay, but as @prokmodular said, just use common sense. If you ran a software project, you obviously wouldn’t allow that kind of discussion on your forum.


Yes, the audio/MIDI driver API will still be available when running as a DAW plugin. If you interface with exclusive audio/MIDI APIs, it will obviously conflict with the DAW, but if you’re writing a driver for your custom hardware (serial USB for example) it’ll work fine, just like in the standalone version.

Technically modules don’t create sample delay, cables do. So bypassing a module will result in the same 1-sample latency relative to using 1 cable.