Utilities for polyphonic channels

I think what is nice is that Signals is straightforward and easy to use. No bells and whistles, which in some cases can be a real plus.

Lovin’ it too! Learned about a few modules that flew under my radar. Appreciate how some of them are neatly presented with short description and screenshot. Sparking some patching ideas already :star_struck:

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Hello and sorry for my absence. i decide to upload a patch, that is realize (almost) and describe, what i want.

Test Note and Step select.vcv (3.2 KB)

the vult knob is used for selecting a step. in my original patch this a phasor (stepped voltage) or manually. the output of addr-seq is going to my vco. the moot modules works as aspected, but many cables.

what is not working until now:

i want to change more then one note AND

i want to start the replacing at once for all steps with replacing them with my new notes. the rest of the sequence is untouched.

perhaps another polyphonic module could do that more compact.

Thanks for help


PolyMergeResplit (Grande)

Using a single module, up to 16 channels from up to 4 polyphonic signals can be merged into one polyphonic signal, processed and split back up to the original configuration, i.e. with the same number and width of channels.

The original polyphonic signals do not have to contain equal numbers of channels, but a total of 16 channels cannot be exceeded (red warning light). Blue lights indicate the channel counts match.

UPC_PolyMergeResplit (Grande)_20241010.vcvs (8.7 KB)

i checked it with your modul. It works! i now have to investigate, how i could patch the rest as mentioned below.

thank you

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PolySplice (DanT)

Trigger-dependent channel selector/switch for a polyphonic input with up to 16 channels. With each trigger input, another input channel is routed to the output.

Mono- or polyphonic output. Six different modes of progression. Slew.

In the example (see pic), 4 different LFO shapes are merged into one polyphonic cable and fed into PolySplice. With each trigger (here gate from a clock), the next channel is routed to the output. Output is set to polyphonic (Inputs Incremental), resulting in 4 different phase-shifted complex LFOs, each with consecutive portions of the source LFOs.

UPC_PolySplice (DanT)_20241010.vcvs (7.7 KB)

PolySplit (Grande)

The channels of a polyphonic input signal are routed to up to 4 polyphonic outputs based on defined split points.

For n outputs, n-1 split points are needed. Adding another split point (n) curbs the range of channel outputs. Adding even more split points has no effect and they are dimmed.

Blue lights indicate number of input channels. Dimmed blue lights represent input channels that are not forwarded to outputs.

UPC_PolySplit (Grande)_20241011.vcvs (5.9 KB)

Poly Splitter (ML Modules)

Splits up to 4 polyphonic signals into two groups, A and B, based on a set split point. All input signals are split using the same split point.

UPC_Poly Splitter (ML Modules)_20241011.vcvs (5.6 KB)

Interleaver (NYSTHI)

Upper half splits polyphonic signals into two groups, left and right, of equal size.

Lower half merges two polyphonic signals with a maximum of 8 channels each. If the input signals are unequal in their number of channels, blanks are filled with zero values, up to a total of 2 x 8 = 16 channels.

UPC_Interleaver (NYSTHI)_20241011.vcvs (5.7 KB)

Rotor Model A (stoermelder)

Spreads a carrier signal across up to 16 channels.

Modulation input (MOD) is mandatory. It needs to be monophonic and unipolar, and defines how the carrier signal is distributed across the output channels.

Carrier signal input (CAR) is optional. Needs to be monophonic. The signal is spread across the channels according to the MOD signal.

UPC_Rotor Model A (stoermelder)_20241011.vcvs (7.0 KB)

Nope. What I had been using is MS4, which does not behave the same as PMR. It only looks the same. That explains why I never stumbled across that feature I was looking for with it.

In looking those up, I rediscovered Tails. I used to use that a lot, but switched to Bogaudio’s Assign for similar purposes. I’ll have to take a closer look at both of them to see why I switched, since Tails has a VCA function.

A few minutes later…

  • Assign : Goes up to 16 channels poly output (probably the reason I switched it in my template patch), and the number of channels is always visible. Has a reset input.

  • Tails : Limited to 5 channels poly output, and you have to mouse over the knob to see how many channels are selected. Has a built-in poly VCA with a gain knob. (I usually prefer the VCV VCA because of the poly metering of the CV signal.)


Tails (Grande)

When monophonic sequences run through an ADSR module, each new note cuts (e.g. the release tail of) the prior note, because only one note can be played at a time. This leads to note truncation, which sounds unnatural.

Tails preserves ADSR release tails by converting a monophonic sequence into a polyphonic signal based on gate pulses. Notes can then ring out properly.

In the example, turn the ‘Channel’ knob on Tails. If set to ‘1’, truncation is audible. If set to 2 or higher, notes can be heard to ring out. This is also visible in the depictions of the ADSR envelope. The number of active channels can be seen on the other visualizers.

Thank you to @john_rose for pointing out this great module! Also, take a look at Tails4 (Grande) and Assign (Bogaudio), which are poly-to-poly.

UPC_Tails (Grande)_20241013.vcvs (12.4 KB)


DETUNE (Bogaudio)
LLFO (Bogaudio)
S&H (Bogaudio)

Polyphonic processing of modulation input signals is prevalent with polyphonic modules that have a V/Oct or frequency (Freq) input port.

The example shows a filtered saw pad of random diatonic chords with 3 instances of polyphonic modulation: 1.) The cutoff frequency of VCF (VCV) is modulated by a polyphonic LFO (Bogaudio), 2.) the frequencies of this LFO are set polyphonically with POLYCON8 (Bogaudio), and 3.) the polyphonic voices of VCO (VCV) are randomly detuned very slightly with DETUNE (Bogaudio), which is polyphonically modulated by an S&H (Bogaudio) module fed with a polyphonic gate.

Go out and look for polyphonic modules (other than VCOs) with a V/Oct input and try to modulate them polyphonically!

UPC_LLFO (Bogaudio)-VCF (VCV)-VCO (VCV)_20241013.vcvs (23.7 KB)

Polygene (RareBreeds)

Polyphonic Euclidian sequencer with polyphonic control (ports) over the modulation parameters Length, Hits, Shift and Variation. In the example, each of these is fed by an independent instance of POLYCON16.

A polyphonic trigger on the Rand port can randomize per channel. In the example, Bolly Puttons (computerscare) is used. In oppose to the parameter ports, this actually moves the knobs, creating an overlay to the signal from the ports. Sadly, resetting the parameter knobs can only be accomplished manually one-by-one, so use the Rand trigger buttons wisely.

Requires a polyphonic clock.

UPC_Polygene (Rare Breeds)_20241013.vcvs (17.8 KB)

Gate Delay (HetrickCV)

The example uses a single ADSR EG (VCV) module to create 16 independent ADSR envelopes by polyphonic modulation of the attack, decay, sustain and release parameters.

Triggering the envelope occurs with a polyphonic gate signal, in which each channel has its own gate timing (delay) and pulse width.

Polyphonic delay and width adjustment was accomplished using Gate Delay (HetrickCV).

UPC_ADSR EG (VCV)+Gate Delay (HetrickCV)_20241013.vcvs (28.0 KB)


Similar to ADSR EG (VCV) above. Knobs have a slightly different feel to them. Includes as VCA, too.

UPC_Poly ADSR (NYSTHI)_20241013.vcvs (18.4 KB)

Very cool thread. thanks!

I just noticed that I have labeled three of my four modules as “polyphonic” “utility”. I’ve never fit easily into the VCV tag system. My very first module was a frequency shifter. I tagged it as “ring modulator”, as that’s the closest I could get.

Thank you! All these modules are great! Interestingly, I actually see the tag ‘polyphonic’ in only one of them (Visualizer; see pic), which has already been included.

Obviously, the library tagging does not fully reflect their real nature, as they need to be susceptible to some kind of polyphony to handle multiple notes at once.

My question is whether and how to include any of them in the list. Would love to do so, so: Where and how would you see them fit? How are they special regarding their use of polyphony that could place them into one of the categories (which)?

thanks! yeah, I just pushed a new version with updated tags.

I wasn’t really suggesting you put more of my modules in your excellent list, and thanks already for putting visualizer in!

My point with these was really that the “utilities” aren’t really a decent fit in any of the categories that exist.

Oh, and one of the fixes in the version due soon is that the Browser image of Visualizer doesn’t say “widget default” any longer :wink:

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Bose (Studio Six Plus One)

Generates up to 5 x 16 = 80 random numbers on one polyphonic trigger. Output is scalable (5 groups). Uni- or bipolar. Droop funtion.

UPC_Bose (Studio Six Plus One)_20241013.vcvs (6.2 KB)