Utilities for polyphonic channels

Formation (scanner darkly)
Ouroboros (T)

The example depicts an arpeggio sequence with slight variations on each cycle.

Formation is used to create a swarm of 8 modified sine-like curves with varying amplitudes, combined in a polyphonic signal. Spread of values is modulated with a monophonic sine LFO quantized through an S&H module.

Ouroboros then steps through the channels of the polyphonic signal to create a monophonic sequence. Variations in channel values are visible as motion in the Ouroboros display. Length of the sequence can be adjusted through the Offset module, which is connected to the Length input port.

UPC_Formation (scanner darkly)+Ouroboros (T)_20241017.vcvs (12.1 KB)

µINFIX (stoermelder)
INFIX (stoermelder)

The modules replace the signal values of either up to 8 (µINFIX) or 16 (INFIX) specified polyphony channels with the values supplied through input ports.

UPC_Infix (stoermelder)_20241018.vcvs (3.5 KB)

Don’t know if this will be updated; but one I forgot:

  • Sanguine Mutants - Explorator: polyphonic mult, half and full rectifier, mixer, optional averager, inverter, min/max and S&H

Don’t know if this one fits here… I think it does.

  • Sanguine Mutants - Vimina: dual polyphonic clock manipulator with selectable function per section: clock divider/multiplier or clock swing.
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Vimina (Sanguine Mutants)

Thank you, @Bloodbat!

Vimina is susceptible to polyphonic modulation at the CV input, resulting in up to 16 different clock speeds or swings. In the example, the LEDs of Poly Gate Modifier (Count Modula) are used to monitor polyphonic pulse activity. Click the Mode button (M) in Section 2 to switch between Clock Multiplier/Divider and Clock Swing modes.

UPC_Vimina (Sanguine Mutants)_20241021.vcvs (5.0 KB)

UPC_Vimina (Sanguine Mutants)_20241021

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Explorator is a cool, versatile module and works well as a poly-to-poly multiplier. Will add there.

At a given trigger, Explorator’s noise generator creates the same value on all channels, so it only generates a polyphonic S&H signal with the same value on each channel. This is different from most other polyphonic fixed random number (S&H) generators.

So, I would not add the module there, as it seems to require an additional moving polyphonic signal (e.g. noise or LFO) connected at its IN port to create multiple values across the polyphony channels. Or is there another function?

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Thank you for taking the time to compile this list and test all the modules :slight_smile:

Yeah, the S&H section needs separate input voltages to produce different values. If I change that, I’ll get back to you :wink:

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simplex & hold (alef’s bits)
S&H / T&H (Bark)
S&H (Bogaudio)
Super S&H (Count Modula)
S&H 8 (ML Modules)
SHEight (Mockba Modular)
holder Compact (sickocell)
holder (sickocell)
holder8 (sickocell)

@Bloodbat: Different is not necessarily less useful, and since the module was modelled based on hardware, I wouldn’t make any changes just because it does not fit here. And the Utilities module by Audible Instruments also shows similar behavior.

In the example below, 9 different S&H modules (+ the 2 modules with same values across channels; bottom row) are compared. Each is slightly different in operation, all yield fixed random numbers in polyphony channels.

UPC_S+H modules (Various)_20241021.vcvs (24.0 KB)

WALK (Bogaudio)

WALK (Bogaudio) responds to polyphonic inputs, which results in up to 16 different random functions.

Polyphony is gauged from one of the 4 input ports (rate, offset, scale or jump), depending on a setting in the context menu.

UPC_WALK (Bogaudio)_20241021.vcvs (5.7 KB)

Poly Gate Modifier (Count Modula)

A polyphonic signal to the CV input of Poly Gate Modifier (Count Modula) modifies the individual gate length in up to 16 different channels.

UPC_Poly Gate Modifier (Count Modula)_20241021.vcvs (7.1 KB)

Ah yep, I use that a lot, and Caudal as well. If we’re including modules that can be made polyphonic by sticking poly signals in, you can also do this with the VCV fundamental LFO / WT LFO (using the FM input) and probably loads of other stuff I haven’t tried too. One of my favourite tricks!

I may have to start a separate thread on poly effects modules!

The VCV LFOs are a good addition, will add.

Finding more would be welcome!

You are right, what is missing in this thread is modules specifically targeting polyphonic audio processing, is this what you are referring to with ‘effects’? It would probably include mixers and some of the panning/stereo effects you mentioned earlier.

I could add another category (Polyphonic Audio Processing Effects) with subs here if you want to suggest modules.

Also, one more could be added with Polyphonic Audio Oscillators, although these may be too obvious to find by a search in the library and there may be a lot, so I would not go down this path at this point in time.

You are right, however adding polyphony deviates from hardware anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

@Bloodbat nothing wrong with deviating from hardware, that’s the biggest advantage for software modular! :slight_smile:

@Alphagem-O yep, audio processing modules are what I was referring to. I’m not sure about a category for VCOs, the majority seem to be polyphonic these days but I think it would make sense to do a separate thread for poly effects and keep this one for utilities?


Yes, even though it turned out that we went way past the ‘utilities’, this also made this thread and the list quite big already.

So, a separate thread and list with polyphonic audio effects might be good. Focus of the new list should be on audio processing, also trying to prevent confusion if a module can process audio as well as CV signals.

And it is probably less useful to list every polyphonic effect module straight from the library. Part of the idea in the utilities thread is to provide structure and straightforward access to modules that can fulfill certain tasks, in the sense of ‘What module(s) can I use to do this or that?’

Haha, true! It all depends on how much value it adds in relation to the work you need to put in :sweat_smile:.

Array (PdArray)

Function generator with polyphonic control of up to 16 playheads/cursors reading hand-drawn, recorded or sample-based curves.

UPC_Array (PdArray)_20241021.vcvs (37.1 KB)

Medusa (Sanguine Mutants)

Flexible poly-to-poly multiplier.

UPC_Medusa (Sanguine Mutants)_20241021.vcvs (6.4 KB)

MultiVoltimetro (NYSTHI)

Add channels to and subtract channels from a polyphonic list of channels.

UPC_MultiVoltiMetro (NYSTHI)_20241021.vcvs (5.0 KB)

People, at least quite a few who get in touch about the Mutants, seem to like polyphony a lot, so… that’s a fair amount of value, I think… :slight_smile: … as for work… some are easier than others :wink:

I also like polyphony a lot, because (once I can wrap my head around its obvious and less obvious uses), the footprint of a patch can become so much smaller :smiley:.

Thank you for putting all this extra work into the Sanguine modules; I very much appreciate them, too!