Utilities for polyphonic channels


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(Lol i even did not tried polyphonic cables in VCV yet and how works with them, seems something cool) Sorry is this feature something that exists in hardware too ? Or it strictly software idea ?

yes :smiley:


Thanks for making the list :slight_smile:

Some info. On Sanguine Modules you missed:

Alchemist can mix ,mute and solo poly channels (that is, in fact, its raison d’etre), if you add the Alembic expander, it can also split poly channels post-mix ;).

Medusa is a polyphonic mult.

Kitsune can offset (and attenuate) poly channels.

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Great, thank you! Will add.

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Unison does spread out CV values across the channels, so it is indeed a way of altering incoming CV. With a monophonic input, the spread is around that value. Good addition!

Interestingly, Unison by Bogaudio and Poly Unison by Venom seem to distribute to the channels differently.

UPC_Poly Unison (Venom)_20241007.vcvs (3.1 KB)

UPC_Unison (Bogaudio)_20241007.vcvs (2.3 KB)

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Can Kitsune attenuate/offset the channels individually or only in bulk?

Changes and additions were implemented for your review, further suggestions welcome. I re-arranged the categories in some places.

Great thread! Bogaudio’s Polycon is in my default template and gets used in every patch, I also use Polymult a lot to process monophonic guitar input with 16 channels of effects.

What about modules that spread poly signals into stereo?

Stocaudio - Spread Mockba Modular - ASSprdr (great name!) Fortisan Modulare - Pavo

There may be more. I was looking for one last week that pans poly channels around the stereo field and couldn’t find one (the modules above just spread channels statically although Pavo has a pan control). I can’t believe there isn’t a proper polyphonic panner!

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The Stoermelder Orbit can also randomly (with some control) pan poly channels on demand, and it has a drift control so they can move on their own after being assigned a position.

It also supports a poly external pan position input, but you will have to trigger it regularly if you want smooth continuous panning.

I should look into how hard it would be to add poly input support to my Venom Pan Mix Expander

Both: the upcoming Denki expander (already in the nightlies) allows CV control of attenuation and offset for individual channels.

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Oh… I forgot. Sanguine Modules - Oraculus: allows random/sequential selection of one channel from a poly cable.

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Also, the Bogaudio Pan honors poly pan location input.

@VirtualModular - It was actually quite easy to add poly support to my Venom Mix Pan expander CV inputs. It will be in my next Venom release.

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It’s pretty clear that there are some modules that are what I call “massively polyphonic”. And then a lot that are not. Quite interesting.

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can be also Splitter and Merger (+ adder of channels)

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Thanks Alpha, great list. To add: SurgeXT::UnisonHelper


CVfunk::Morta now handles poly inputs. It rescales all the inputs to different fixed ranges (and one variable range).

Here showing some -10…10V signals mapped to 0…1V and 0…5V.

Also, CVfunk::Signals can now distribute a poly input to its 6 channels:

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I would not be opposed to including polyphonic stereo spreaders. I actually tested the ones you mention with CV values and don’t quite know what to make of the results. It’s probably just me :roll_eyes:.

Both, Spread and Pavo seem to convert the polyphonic stereo input to a monophonic stereo output.

ASSprdr maintains the polyphony (if ‘Merge Poly Output’ is deselected in the context menu), but the output values are very different from the input values.

Any help or explanation would be much appreciated here. Aside from spreading audio signals (I suppose through yielding different voltages on left and right stereo channel?), can this be put to any good use for manipulating polyphonic CV?

Really cool initiative. This make me think that a personalized taxonomy / sub-categorization system could be really nice in the VCV library. It could spare me long minutes of head-scratching searching what module fits with a specific need.