Utilities for polyphonic channels

Gate Delay (HetrickCV)

The example uses a single ADSR EG (VCV) module to create 16 independent ADSR envelopes by polyphonic modulation of the attack, decay, sustain and release parameters.

Triggering the envelope occurs with a polyphonic gate signal, in which each channel has its own gate timing (delay) and pulse width.

Polyphonic delay and width adjustment was accomplished using Gate Delay (HetrickCV).

UPC_ADSR EG (VCV)+Gate Delay (HetrickCV)_20241013.vcvs (28.0 KB)


Similar to ADSR EG (VCV) above. Knobs have a slightly different feel to them. Includes as VCA, too.

UPC_Poly ADSR (NYSTHI)_20241013.vcvs (18.4 KB)

Very cool thread. thanks!

I just noticed that I have labeled three of my four modules as “polyphonic” “utility”. I’ve never fit easily into the VCV tag system. My very first module was a frequency shifter. I tagged it as “ring modulator”, as that’s the closest I could get.

Thank you! All these modules are great! Interestingly, I actually see the tag ‘polyphonic’ in only one of them (Visualizer; see pic), which has already been included.

Obviously, the library tagging does not fully reflect their real nature, as they need to be susceptible to some kind of polyphony to handle multiple notes at once.

My question is whether and how to include any of them in the list. Would love to do so, so: Where and how would you see them fit? How are they special regarding their use of polyphony that could place them into one of the categories (which)?

thanks! yeah, I just pushed a new version with updated tags.

I wasn’t really suggesting you put more of my modules in your excellent list, and thanks already for putting visualizer in!

My point with these was really that the “utilities” aren’t really a decent fit in any of the categories that exist.

Oh, and one of the fixes in the version due soon is that the Browser image of Visualizer doesn’t say “widget default” any longer :wink:

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Bose (Studio Six Plus One)

Generates up to 5 x 16 = 80 random numbers on one polyphonic trigger. Output is scalable (5 groups). Uni- or bipolar. Droop funtion.

UPC_Bose (Studio Six Plus One)_20241013.vcvs (6.2 KB)

The VCV RND module can produce 7x16 with one polyphonic trigger input. The Venom Poly S&H ASR can produce 10x16 with 10 polyphonic trigger inputs.

Note that both of the above will use the same range for all the random outputs.

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Poly Sample & Hold Analog Shift Register (Venom)

Thank you, @DaveVenom, Poly S&H ASR is a very versatile polyphonic module!

Poly S&H ASR is a random number generator with up to 10 polyphonic outputs (10 x 16 random numbers). For this, connect multiple (or all) trigger ports to a polyphonic trigger.

If only the first trigger is connected, the module functions as a polyphonic Sample & Hold (S&H), passing values on to the next row upon trigger and generating a new sample set only in the first row.

Connecting the Data ports allows for feeding in external polyphonic numbers. In the example, this can be (in-)activated using the respective button of Moots (Sapphire).

Range for all numbers together can be set with the RND button. CLR button clears all buffers.

UPC_Poly S&H ASR (Venom)_20241014.vcvs (15.6 KB)

CYC (docB)

6-Track, 32-step sequencer with polyphonic modulation of CV-values per step.

UPC_CYC (docB)_20241014.vcvs (24.7 KB)

Poly Mute (Count Modula)

Mute all (Master) or individual channels. Combination with e.g. Boly Puttons (computerscare) allows for preset mute button combinations (see example).

UPC_Poly Mute (Count Modula)_20241014.vcvs (7.2 KB)

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That reminds me, here’s another one I use a lot for clocked multichannel S&H, Count Modular’s Super Sample and hold:

Apologies if that’s in the list already, couldn’t see it anywhere. I find it really useful!

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No, it wasn’t in there yet. Trigger probability, spread (Level), offset, internal noise source and modes (Sample & Hold, Track & Hold, Pass & Hold) are magnificent features. Great find, thank you! Added.

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PolyCat (Sparkettes Stuff)

Combines up to 16 channels from up to 5 polyphonic sources into one polyphonic signal. Colors of light indicators match colors of input ports, visualizing the origin of each channel.

UPC_PolyCat (Sparkettes Stuff)_20241015.vcvs (5.9 KB)

Poly Clone [+ Auxilliary Clone Expander, optional] (Venom)

Poly Clone clones each channel of a polyphonic input and merges the results into a single polyphonic output. Number of replica is selected with a knob and shown on number dial. Red light indicators show overflowing channel numbers.

The Auxilliary Clone Expander module adds additional cloned poly input/output pairs. A red light again indicates overflow.

UPC_Poly Clone+Aux Clone Expander (Venom).vcvs (9.8 KB)

Append (T)

T’s Append module compiles a list out of up to 16 mono- or polyphonic signals, then outputs a windowed subset (up to 16 channels) of that list as a new polyphonic signal. The created list can therefore contain up to (16 x 16 =) 256 channels.

Start point (Rotation) and size (Width) of the output is controlled by CV. Rotation allows for ‘scrolling’ through the source list, while Width determines the number of output channels.

Voltages for both, Width and Rotation controls are dependent on the number of input channels. Additional information in another post in this forum.

UPC_Append (T)_20241016.vcvs (7.5 KB)

Caudal (Vult)

Polyphonic modulation of Speed and Energy parameters yields up to 16 different chaotic functions per output port that can be changed independently.

UPC_Caudal (Vult)_20241016.vcvs (9.8 KB)


Formation (scanner darkly)
Ouroboros (T)

The example depicts an arpeggio sequence with slight variations on each cycle.

Formation is used to create a swarm of 8 modified sine-like curves with varying amplitudes, combined in a polyphonic signal. Spread of values is modulated with a monophonic sine LFO quantized through an S&H module.

Ouroboros then steps through the channels of the polyphonic signal to create a monophonic sequence. Variations in channel values are visible as motion in the Ouroboros display. Length of the sequence can be adjusted through the Offset module, which is connected to the Length input port.

UPC_Formation (scanner darkly)+Ouroboros (T)_20241017.vcvs (12.1 KB)

µINFIX (stoermelder)
INFIX (stoermelder)

The modules replace the signal values of either up to 8 (µINFIX) or 16 (INFIX) specified polyphony channels with the values supplied through input ports.

UPC_Infix (stoermelder)_20241018.vcvs (3.5 KB)

Don’t know if this will be updated; but one I forgot:

  • Sanguine Mutants - Explorator: polyphonic mult, half and full rectifier, mixer, optional averager, inverter, min/max and S&H

Don’t know if this one fits here… I think it does.

  • Sanguine Mutants - Vimina: dual polyphonic clock manipulator with selectable function per section: clock divider/multiplier or clock swing.
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Vimina (Sanguine Mutants)

Thank you, @Bloodbat!

Vimina is susceptible to polyphonic modulation at the CV input, resulting in up to 16 different clock speeds or swings. In the example, the LEDs of Poly Gate Modifier (Count Modula) are used to monitor polyphonic pulse activity. Click the Mode button (M) in Section 2 to switch between Clock Multiplier/Divider and Clock Swing modes.

UPC_Vimina (Sanguine Mutants)_20241021.vcvs (5.0 KB)

UPC_Vimina (Sanguine Mutants)_20241021

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