Using XORS with clocks for rhythmic variations

Hello Lars,

Thank you for this post, Im looking forward to try the Boh!ngler out for generating melodies. =)

Care to elaborate?

Would make for an interesting watch.

Yes Please =)

This one even has a manual (unusual for Nysthi modules):


My guess is it is inspired by the Rungler… (swapping Ru for Boh!) And using a linear feedback shift register of 256 steps instead of 8? I will check it out, thanks for the shoutout

hello, could someone pls explain how Boh!ngler works? or a simple introductory patch?

thanks for that. after reading the manual, i do not know, what i can do with it…

Are you familiar with the Turing Machine and how it works? The Boh!linger works in a similar manner, but has an alternate take on it.

The concept of using a shift register to generate a sequence of voltages (either random or controlled by a vco/lfo) is very interesting and rather deep. You could watch this video which explains the turing machine quite well.

In VCV you could explore this technique by using modules that also uses shift registers for generating patterns. These are -to name just a few:

Or you can patch your own using separate building blocks. All can be found in the Fundamental collection or the Venom collection. Attached below I have created one for ease of use:


The Boh!linger uses 16 x 16 shift registers, so it has in essence a much bigger scope/range. But functionally they are all the same…


xorClocksSequencer 2.vcv (1.8 KB)

I removed many things in order for me to understand the patch better and changed out the voice because i am more comfortable with the FM operator because it does not need the additional input like BASAL from an external envelope and I had problems with where in the chain the envelope should go between the ADDR seq (only has a clock input) and the Basal voice.

I tried to find how XOR actually does what it does and as far as i understand it, it is kind of a “game theory” where 2 inputs pass a “matrice” and then you have an output. What i expected this module:


To do was that I thought each pair of inputs would be XOR, XOR1, XOR2, XOR3. But it seems as if they are the same kind of XOR. What surprise me is that the top XOR pair have fewer hits in my patch than the lower one which feeds from the “slower” clock divider that is to the right.

I also try to figure out what the pw2 on the clock does to affect the rythm.

AND what I thought about today on the train on my way to work as how I can use these magnificent powers :cherry_blossom: :heart: to patch up non-varying triggers to sequencer that are triggered as quarter, eights and sixteenth notes. I have been thirsty for some static 4/8/16 since i powered up my first semi modular with a simple sequencer 6 years ago. :right_anger_bubble: :bomb: :boom:

So in the uploaded patch the triggers from master clock is devided and devided/devided respectively and sent to XOR. And in thru XOR matrice (the evolving is what occurs. Now if i just want a static rythm containing quarter, eights and sixteenth notes then the signals from the deviders will go into a mixer instead like this:

Only now the deviders create the necessity to ramp up the BPM to maxium almost, And using multipliers would create need for minium on master clock.

Also i do not have any idea why what cables that go into the diveders create 4/8/16 notes on what step on the squencer.

First off the Clock divider you are using is weird. It starts on the second gate of the clock and it divides in a weird way f.i. divided by 5 (the 5 output) will produce a gate not every 5 steps but the first time after 5 steps then it continues to 8 ( three more steps) and then it starts to count until five again. So its really a divided by 8 ( where the first step starts at 5) the /7 is the same starting at the 7th which is the eight, because it skips the first step.

The one next to it (Ohmer) works as expected, it starts at 1 and the /5 output gives you a gate , every 5 steps. (and yes the gate is “only” 5V)

And this is an Xor gate.

And here is /3 you get 1,2,-3-, 1,2,-3-,1,2,1,2,-3-, 1,2,-3-,1,2,1,2,( starting on the second step)

And it should be like this :

See also this nugget :


I think the clock deviders are “weird” beacause the original objective of the thread was to demonstrate “seemingly random” temporal divisions. I will implement the Ohmer now and experiment with it. :eyes:

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thank you for providing this useful information. i will watch the video, understand it and come back here to ask again :slight_smile:

hmmh, i try patch a bit with the Boh!linger, but i must say, its more a click in the dark… until now i can not set my wanted frequencies to take a look at multiples/divisions of vco freq and s/h freq. does anyone know an exact way? or do i have to move with mouse only???

I don’t know this module, but you can generally right click a knob to type in exact values.

but it seems not with nysthi module :frowning:

right-click on the digit (the red ones) you want to change. drag the mouse up to raise(+) down to lower(-) - while holding down the right mouse-button.


yes i found it out, but how could i input exact values. the scrolling is not the best way to input…

There’s no way to enter exact vaules using the keyboard. you can right click the module, and copy preset - paste into notepad, edit

    "m_frequency": 10.0,
    "m_tosample_frequency": 10.0,

select all, copy

and in VCV, right click the module
preset paste

… but maybe the mouse drag is faster once you get used to it

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oh well, what a gui :frowning: will see what i do. thank you for the info.

Hello, wasnt there a patch file posted here? If I am not mistaking the FM-operator was patched in that file in a way that the ADSR envelope on it was working, I cannot get mine to work and only play it currently with envelope fully open. Is there a need for anything extra to go into the inputs on top of v/oct? I tried to turn the lights of the envelopes o of level fedbk and depth the adsr is not activated by that. =(

Did you patch a gate into the gate input? This triggers the ADSR

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