Unable to install VCV Rack 2.0.0 on Windows 10

I removed all VCVrack versions from my computer with C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Rack folder and reinstalled vcvrack2 free (2.0.4) and got the same result. I didn’t see any settings.json file. But log file log.txt from the C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Rack2 folder (which looks the same as in my thread) contained this line:

[0.002 info src/settings.cpp:455 load] Loading settings C:/Users/xxx/Documents/Rack2/settings.json

I tried to create this file, but it didn’t help:

  "token": "xxx",
  "windowSize": [
  "windowPos": [
    200.0, // also tried values here like -200.0 , 2000.0
    200.0  // and here
  "zoom": 0.0,
  "invertZoom": false,
  "cableOpacity": 0.5,
  "cableTension": 0.638930023,
  "allowCursorLock": true,
  "realTime": false,
  "sampleRate": 44100.0,
  "threadCount": 2,
  "paramTooltip": false,
  "cpuMeter": false,
  "lockModules": false,
  "frameSwapInterval": 4,
  "autosavePeriod": 15.0,
  "patchPath": "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Desktop\\synth_Test.vcv",
  "cableColors": [

Win + D also doesn’t work for me ( and log.txt is clear

Strange situations always happen to me)

When I run vcvrack I see spinner that indicates that something is loading (about 3-5 seconds). I think the problem is in the display of the program