Surge XT

I’ve actually been thinking about a generic vco expander some with a couple of bits and bobs in it which could also solve the problem but we don’t have concrete plans yet and haven’t designed it in earnest.

Our first sprint was just to get the modules updated and working so we’ve been reluctant to contemplate new features. The positive response we’ve had in the last 24 hours though is super encouraging


For sure. I included it here as I feel that my beta testing is as much about usability as bug discovery. I’m trying to develop a simple selection file for an FM2, ADSR and MIXER gain modulation that I can just drop in wherever I am current using an FM-OP. I will probably do something similar with some of the other XT oscillator modules. I’m working with a complex Meander patch but I can already tell that this orchestration is going to be very nice.

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I like you want to get the current port as good as possible before going for more features. That is the perfect approach in my book.


yeah eventually you have to go pencils down and say you are finished with something :slight_smile:

The GitHub issues have also found real bugs and made us contemplate a few edges so the first set of feedback here has already been useful. Keep updating nightlies! Oh and just like with surge proper, all our work is in the open so if you want to know what’s changed, you can always look at the GitHub transaction log


seen to much work done to add bloat to a not yet stable codebase, results are never pretty. However, this codebase is really solid for a Beta1 and betas are really to shake the tree and see what falls out. Sure things pop up after release, but if all ducks are in a row that usually can be fixed without breakage. But alas, I come form a world where short term profit trumps quality every time. Not pretty to fight the good fight in that environment, but it can be done :wink: ;

Sorry to spoil a bit the Big Party, but so far I can’t reopen ANY of previously saved test patches with Surge modules used - VCV loads them, BUT after clicking on RUN (in Clocked) it immediately crashes, alas. Here’s some chunk from log-file: [129.520 fatal adapters/standalone.cpp:48 fatalSignalHandler] Fatal signal 22. Stack trace: 14: 0x0 13: raise 0x7fefe6116f0 12: abort 0x7fefe61537c 11: Z6cdfpoiPiPdS0_S0_S0_S_S0_ 0x7fec6046900 10: ZZN4rack22createIndexSubmenuItemINS_2ui8MenuItemEEEPS2_NSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESt6vectorIS9_SaIS9_EESt8functionIFyvEESD_IFvyEEbbEN9IndexItemD1Ev 0x7fec60bfe50 9: init 0x7fec6041390 8: ZN7Proteus6doStepEv 0x7fec605f3f0 7: ZN4rack6engine6Module9doProcessERKNS1_11ProcessArgsE 0x7fed174f0d0 6: ZN4rack6engine6Engine9stepBlockEi 0x7fed174a420 5: ZN4rack5audio6Device13processBufferEPKfiPfii 0x7fed16df250 4: ZN4rack13RtAudioDevice15rtAudioCallbackEPvS1_jdjS1_ 0x7fed1ba7800 3: ZN11RtApiWasapi12wasapiThreadEv 0x7fed1b713c0 2: ZN11RtApiWasapi15runWasapiThreadEPv 0x7fed1b739f0 1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x76ee59c0 0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x7711a540

P.S. Same crashes with initial beta version and the last one (SurgeXTRack-2.xt-1.1.1-nightly-44f0662-win).

That’s a crash in proteus, not in surge. Does a fresh patch with just a modern oscillator → audio out work? did proteus update recently?

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Oops, you have a sharp eye, I didn’t noticed “Proteus” :slight_smile: OK, I need to recheck it now without it. Thanks a lot for such superapid response + sure, many thanks for your great update!

Thanks for the super fast fix! What a community gift.

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Yes, it looks like the guilty one is indeed Proteus :rage: I made a very quick change of sequencers (in fact, just used same Modern+Sine Oscs with simililar connections etc.) - with Entrian Melody (e.g.) it plays in normal mode without any crashes after reopening. Sorry again for false warning!

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Guess we can start the party again then. Chuckle.


Sure :laughing: And I already started it last night as many others. But now I have to exclude one bad guy (you already know his name ;))

party away :smiley:

Great re-design. LOVE the osciloscope displays. Wishing VCV’s Scope had the same! The thinner line in the Rack 2 Scope really bugs me (I like to Scope everything).


when will it be officially released?

When we’ve fixed all the bugs we find in beta and submit it to the library. My guess is we have a couple of weeks of work before library submission.


oh ill wait for that, the practice of patience. thanks!

yep, this one bites almost everyone.

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FM-OP isn’t only popular because it’s a “voice” module. A pair or sines and an envelope is a very powerful building block. btw, @k-chaffin why are you using FM-OP when my Kitchen Sink is more or less better at most things?

You know the answer :slight_smile: - FM-OP has a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ that iirc even the developer doesn’t quite understand.