Surge - a new module collection from a great digital synth

hi paul,

enjoy your trip - i think there is no hurry with this - i just wanted to note, that there is now a proof of concept that it works. to your questions:

  1. yes and no - not directly, but i searched all of the intel sse _mm_xyz calls and replaced them with the simde versions simde_mm_xyz … i think this could be done much cleaner by adding a header file which redefines all the _mm_xyz used in surge with the simde ones and is included together with the simde headers via ifdef on arm instead of the intel sse intrinsics headers

  2. that would require a native arm and arm64 machine (i’m building all this stuff native on arm/arm64) - otherwise cross compiling would be required or i think there are also ways to run an arm/arm64 system somehow via qemu as docker container on an intel machine - not fast, but should be doable ( and and most probalby many more)

  3. i guess that the headless version is about the same as the patch player surge-rack plugin? that works perfectly fine on arm :slight_smile:

i think the just announced raspberry-pi 4 might be a good target for all this …

best wishes - hexdump