Stoermelder ARENA: Preview

right clicking in rack crashed it with this in the log.txt

[126.132 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 11. Stack trace:
22: ZN4rack10appDestroyEv 0x456435
21: gai_strerrorW 0x739800
20: _C_specific_handler 0x775f72fc
19: _chkstk 0x7760bee0
18: RtlInitializeResource 0x775dff00
17: KiUserExceptionDispatcher 0x7760b5f0
16: ZN5Arena11ArenaWidgetC1EPNS_11ArenaModuleILi8ELi4EEE 0xca48fb0
15: ZZN4rack11createModelIN5Arena11ArenaModuleILi8ELi4EEENS1_11ArenaWidgetEEEPNS_6plugin5ModelERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEN6TModel22createModuleWidgetNullEv 0xca77680
14: ZN4rack3app8ModelBox4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE 0x75c360
13: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
12: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
11: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
10: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
9: ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE 0x4a3fd4
8: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
7: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
6: ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE 0x4a776c
5: ZN4rack6Window3runEv 0x4594ea
4: main 0x781840
3: main 0x781840
2: main 0x781840
1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x77395560
0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x775f3840

Version Stoermelder-P1-1.0.0638c3b-win-20191110

Version Stoermelder-P1-1.0.9106e92-win-20191110 Works without crash

Thanks, fixed…

It wasn’t meant as a jab against you: you have some of the best docs out there. I’m frustrated about the overall situation.

Many plugins are not documented at all including, unbelievably, some paid ones, and there’s one case of explicit disdain/sarcasm against docs (you know who you are).


No offense taken, all fine :grinning:

I‘ll try my best to write meaningful manuals but it takes time and effort. I‘m also planning to add some videos for my less known modules in the future, maybe in December.

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Fixed Indeed :+1:

Oh holy… that looks nice. This has some ideas I wanted to pick up when I started looking at the code. I had something like this in my mind But actually I’m not sure I ever start coding it :slight_smile: So if you find some nice ideas inside this app … :wink: It may already be very doable by connecting some existing modules, but I don’t have a good overview of the existing modules.

EDIT: I acutally have a feature idea: Ball Physics. If you can’t find proper simulation code in C/C++ code there is some good code Open Source available in Googles Flutter framework. Here is the API documentation for the Simulation class:

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Thanks! That sounds interesting and I will take a look! For the first release I won’t add something fancy, but maybe for a future update :grinning:

Yeah, I picked up this idea several years ago when I first been using Lemur

Arena is really interesting and can produce pretty noises :wink:

although it might not be the intended use :wink:

see this Strip preset (just plug the Tangents out into a mixer ), where Caudal ,odulates Arena, then through Tangents modulated by 8LFO, when you play a bit with the Tangents and 8LFO settings there are some nature sounds possible.

! please rename the file to: Aren…02.vcvss I couldn’t upload it in this format. !

Arena_Whitey_Nature_02.vcv (27.8 KB)

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Have you checked out JW Modules: Bouncy Balls?

Jupp, already used it :blush:

Ok, this is just crazy :upside_down_face:

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For each of the mix-ports in ARENA you can draw up to 16 motion sequences (besides controlling x and y by CV) that can be addressed using SEQ and driven by PHASE. I also added some parameterized presets :smiley:


I look at the picture a few minutes… is it supposed to move ?

The picture? Yes, it’s an animated gif, about 30 seconds long?

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I thought so, does it move in your browser ? I’m on FF and it sometimes FFup. EDIT Reloaded and here it goes love the tornado. Was already using the record function and loved looking at it. But these presets are cool. :+1:

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Apologies if this isn’t the proper thread to ask Arena questions…

Is there a way to adjust the volume curve of each input? it seems like as i approach one it could begin more gradually, is there a way i might achieve a more gentle start from zero in volume? if there is no way to do this within the module, is there a clever way I could still achieve this?

I would never use a module with no documentation. I guess a lot of people don’t mind no docs??

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At first glance it appears to share some of the same sensibilities as Sha#bang!'s “Neutridode”. (Yet is very different.)

So, of course now I gotta install ARENA. :face_with_monocle:

i certainly prefer a module to at least have a manual that i can check if i need to, but a lot of times it can just be fun to experiment without knowing too much about how things are meant to work.