Share your patch selections (.vcvs)

Ive been using a midi fighter twister, and mapping them to a patchmaster intrrface with labels, then map patchmaster params to parameters to change. You can even customize ranges in patchmaster to have a fully functioning setup. I suppose you could interface the same way with whatever midi controller. (Make a patchmaster facsimile and load in with strip++)

The premapped facsimile is a selection i use all the time.

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Your post inspired me to hook up my MIDI Fighter Twister and bring it into Rack. Not sure why I had never got it working before, if I tried.

So, do you have any interesting selection files for use with the fighter that you are willing to share? Or have you already and I missed it? I have PatchMaster.


Tbh most of my patches geared towards performance are done this way.

I can send patches…

Lately ive been really inspired in studio settings where ive been helping to add synth to a couple of musician friends albums…

The workflow we use is wildly inspiring.

  1. We dream up the sounds This is a collaborative process but also a speedrun tone smithing project for me

  2. We agree on the terms The patchmaster acts as a simplifier of the modular environment. All understand because we build it together.

  3. All hands on modulation. Long form recording of multiple people turning knobs and talking while recording.

The result is human, playful, collaborative, and long form.


Here we go, the latest “IONS Incremental Randomizer”. The first is the regular “Selection” imported via the VCV Rack File menu, the second is what you load via Stoermelder’s STRIP module.

IONS Incremental Randomizer.vcvs (16.2 KB) - I’m not sure how useful it is on its own because the CV-MAP mapping is not preserved.

IONS Incremental Randomizer.vcvss (14.4 KB)

I’ve got the SWITCH 1-16 set for random order, but the first (forward) and third (reverse) order settings can be interesting too.

Only 15 steps are in use because IONS recycles its step #1 (Blue o/p 1) as step #9 (Yellow o/p 1).

One More Thing: If I want to “de-randomize” it incrementally, I would pass any fixed voltage (say, 0 V) through a Sapphire “MOOTS” switch to the “IN” of the S&H module. With the MOOTS switch off, the S&H samples the internally-generated random voltage. With the MOOTS switch on (button or CV), it samples the fixed voltage with each tick of CLK2, and eventually all IONS steps have the same value.

The gimmick with MOOTS is that it can behave as if the output patch cord is not there at all. Very different results than applying 0V.


I am not sure what is happening, but I can load your first file via STRIP++ with preserved mappings, but the second file does not contain any modules even after renaming the extension to .vcvs.

Can you explain what for you are using the STRIP contained in the first file?

The IONS Incremental Randomizer is developing well. Your update is nice and lean, thank you for sharing it!

Moots is a lovely and useful module.

Random switch with weighted distribution

Random switch with weighting_Alphagem-O_20240418.vcvs (56.3 KB)

Random switch that allows for weighting the distribution across 8 outputs. Adjust any of the ‘Chance’ knobs to tweak distribution.

The selection contains the switch template plus a setup to test out distribution settings.

The latter can be deleted once the desired settings are found. Run by starting the clock in CLKD and watch numbers develop.

I wouldn’t think that would be possible, since the first file is a selection, intended to be loaded via File > Import selection. It should not have any preserved mappings, which is why I said it was not as useful as the second file.

I haven’t messed around with STRIP++ so I don’t know if that would make any difference in how it loads files. I would not have thought so.

… but the second file does not contain any modules even after renaming the extension to .vcvs.

I don’t quite follow that because I’m pretty sure that changing the extension would “break” it, and make it invisible to STRIP.

Can you explain what for you are using the STRIP contained in the first file?

It happened to have been selected along with the other modules when I right-clicked on them and chose “Save selection as”, which is the .vcvs file.

Really, all you need is the “IONS Incremental Randomizer.vcvss” file, somewhere (I keep it in the Selections directory, even though it’s not really a “selection”), load a STRIP module from your Library into the patch, right-click on STRIP, chose “Load” (or use Shift-L), and locate the IONS Incremental Randomizer.vcvss file. If you have subscribed to all seven plugins, it should load with the mappings preserved.

That reminds me somewhat of Aria Salvatrice’s DARIUS module which, sadly, did not get updated for the Rack v.2 library.

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Thank you for clarifying!

I may be wrong, but my current understanding is that the VCV-native ‘Save selection as’ mechanism actually saves the mappings but strangely cannot recall them.

In contrast, STRIP++ can recall the mappings even though it was not used to save the selection.

There is a brief explanation for using STRIP++ that works for me.

STRIP: Ahh, now I understand that the .vcvss extension is a STRIP preset. It works after reading your explanation, thank you!

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Thanks for pointing out DARIUS, I was not aware of it!

It seems to be much more capable than the simple selection I posted here. Too bad it has not been ported to v2, would have loved to play with it.

I am aware that Aria left the forum, so I think there unfortunately is not much hope that it will be available eventually.

Thanks, let’s keep this thread going! I also noticed CV-MAP doesn’t remember the mappings in selections.

Here’s a clock synchronised beat repeat/glitch thing I use sometimes, where the ADDR sequencer controls the delay time knob directly via CV-MAP. Obviously you could use the built-in attenuverters instead, but mapping the knob directly lets you go through each step and adjust the precise clock division on the delay. The wet/dry control is set to zero, and is randomly opened up via an envelope triggered from a Bernoulli gate. A few of these strips in a patch gets fairly crazy (although obviously you’d need to reconnect everything to a single clock). Just don’t use it on the whole mix, I did that a few times and it’s a bit too much glitch :wink:

Random Beat Repeat.vcvs (13.0 KB)

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load same selection via strip++ and mappings will be there. This is an issue with Rack’s own ‘Import Selection’ implementation


This selection is delightful!

There is a free and a paid version of Disjoint, and I received a missing module error upon loading your file.

So, I took the liberty of substituting with the free version.

Random Beat Repeat_All free version_USE STRIP++ TO LOAD_20240418.vcvs (13.0 KB)

Also, I noticed that it’s worth playing around with the output range in ADDR-SEQ’s context menu.

As was mentioned earlier, loading with STRIP++ preserves the mapping.

Thanks @fractalgee and @Alphagem-O - I wasn’t aware of Strip++, will give that a try. I have the paid version of Vult, never understood why some of the modules are identical to the free ones.

Glad you liked it though, will see what else I can dig out!

Never fully understood that either, and I guess we are not the only ones: Vult Free vs Premium.

It would probably be less confusing if free and paid were separated into two different collections, with modules belonging exclusively to one or the other.

On the upside, it is much appreciated that Vult offers modules for free that could easily pass in the premium/paid category.

I requested this feature not long after the release of Rack v2, this must be two years ago. I don’t expect anything happening soon on this topic.
But I will update the manual for STRIP++ as it is indeed not very helpful right now.


I guess the more the better, so here’s not holding my breath, as always Ben to the rescue!


Basic drum beat: Kick, off-beat hihat and clap

Basic drum beat w. kick, off-beat HH and clap_20240420.vcvs (8.1 KB)

This one is very basic, but for some reason it took me some time to nail it the way I wanted it. Replace drum modules with any sounds/samples. Chronoblob 2 (Alright) to create the clocked off-beat offset for the hihat. Adjust the Time knobs in CVD (Bogaudio) to change timings and groove.


if i do a patch selection i often use teleport modules

so my main clock is always named clk0

if i insert such a selection the clock is already present and runs

a note module to describe the outgoing teleport modules. So i only need to add the missing teleport moduls , connect them and it should work


This is a nice idea! I assume you are referring to the Teleport modules by Little Utils.

So far, I usually keep a clock module in the .vcvs and rewire the clock manually to the master after the import. But I envision that it can save you a bit of effort when importing a selection, as long as you adhere to a predefined standard.

Thanks for the tip!

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