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Two mutually exclusive gates

Starting out with two given gate patterns (here: from Eugene by Rare Breeds), the patch assures that each pattern only plays (gate high) if the other is not playing (gate low), so they are mutually exclusive.

Therefore, when gates are high in both patterns at the same time, both gate outputs are low, i.e. neither pattern is playing.

Employs logic gate modules by Submarine for each arm: NG-106 as a NOT gate and AG-104 for the AND gate. A SampleDelays module (Grande) compensates for the sample delay caused by different path lengths.

Can use to create non-overlapping gate patterns from two sources, e.g. for percussion.

Two mutually exclusive gates_20250120.vcvs (11.5 KB)


Alternatively, two 2-Bit Truth Tables (Lunetta Modula) can also be used, but will take up more space.