Sell me on stackable inputs!

Thanks Ben!

infinite number of trigger tracks, transpose sequencer with keyboard


So I was reading up on the new 2.5 behavior before I started a new thread. I didn’t find an answer, so I thought I’d ask here. Ok, so I have still not moved to 2.5 and here’s why. When I drag a cable from an output all the other outputs would be grayed out. When I drag a cable from an input all the other inputs would be grayed out. This helps avoid making a mistake in patching. I get it, that allowing stacking inputs allows more flexibility, but apparently I will have to do this graying out manually, in my head, which kinda sucks. Ok, sure just pay more attention when patching. Got it. If I grab a cable from an open input port, will all the other inputs be grayed out? tia

I am still not sold and I think it’s useless tbh. I never use it, cause I need to attenuate some of the signals, so I always put some kind of CV mixer before sending this signal into CV In. But I see it being kinda useful for triggers and gates like in Pyer’s example (even though I would still prefer to use mixers)

Also I told it before, but it really messes up my workflow, cause now you have to re-learn the shortcuts… what is it? ctrl+shift+drag to copy the cable. That’s annoying as hell. Why not change it, so this new feature would use the new shortcut, while the old one would use the old one? That would make more sense

@Vortico please change the ctrl+drag shortcut behavior, so it would be the old copy cable from the output, while ctrl+shift+drag would be copy cable from the input. I don’t know why you changed it, but it is not smart and not ergonomic


nothing to think about, the software only allows proper patching as always

you will flow as always, just add “shift” to your “control” + grab and you will not know anything changed at all, but the occasions you have had to use logic to combine gates or a mixer to add equal amounts of a mod source to a destination just got quicker faster smarter

I did the new update on first day and regretted it, it needed a few real tweaks in the code to run smooth and it was annoying in the extreme, so I bailed pretty quickly and vowed to not update at all, but once I saw Omri got onboard, I moved as well, smooth sailing no complaints and love stacking a cable or 2 as needed

I know it irks some very much like @Andre_M above, but it was a tiny adjustment for me and being able to combine triggers and gates is a plus for me, I was combining a lot of these in logic or mixers and I like the cleaner sleeker way to do this, and this is also a clear parallel with real modular that does all kinds of cable tricks like stacking and attenuating cables and passive hubs.

Plus there are new modules leveraging some new features in the new update code that will not ever run on older versions, just saying.

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I went from 2.4.x to 2.5.2 and had no problems whatsoever, just learned 2 new shortcuts and I moved on.

I used to think that was an useless feature, but know I use it.

the only downside is that I can be more “messy” but that’s not VCV’s fault, it’s mine. I just use a mixer like before when in doubt :broccoli:


One thing I came across where it’s very nice to have stackable inputs is adding drift to oscillators.

Take the poly out of the MUS-X Drift module, for example, split it up into multiple outputs and connect each one to your oscillators across the rack - very nice for adding analog feeling throughout the whole patch without having to use a bunch of mixers.


Yeah I’m beyond sold at this point. I feel like each patch I do nowadays has at least one “ah nice, I can just stack these now” moment.

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