Sapphire Pop: new module release candidate

Or … how about as an expander module, and make both options available simultaneously?

Another way I could have achieved a random gate length was to use a single channel to trigger a T-Type Flip Flop, so a polyphonic T-Type Flip-Flop expander (that also works as a standalone module?) would be nifty. Especially if I’m not doing any of the work to make it so.

Something I must try (before I forget about it) is to use, say, 4 SR FFs, hook up all four SET inputs to a trigger from the same channel, but use unique triggers for the RESETs. Could have four VCAs start up at the same time, but they cut off at random different times.

Moots already has this feature.

Huh? I thought it was just a switch (albeit a unique one).

I mean that Moots has a right-click menu toggle that switches between trigger mode and gate mode. In Moots, the mode affects the behavior of the 5 gate input ports. The toggle I just added to Pop changes the output mode between trigger/gate. So it’s not really the same thing, just similar in user interface.

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Is that a reference to “Geiger”? The raw output as audio certainly sounds like a Geiger counter, which depends on radioactive decay. It would certainly make it easy for me to remember. Maybe just “Geig”, for brevity. Plus, neither “Geig” nor “Geiger” are already in use.

Then again, it sounds like popcorn being made. :popcorn:

About the word “pop”: It does remind me of “pushing” and “popping” data into and out of stack memory. I think there are shift register modules that do that.

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In Pop’s right-click menu I see an entry for “sync polyphonic channels”, but clicking it does not seem to have any effect.

I have Pop set to 16 channels, driving the trigger input on Palette.

I was hoping to get some sparse rainfall sounds out of Palette by giving it 16 different triggers, but the triggers all seem to be synced. How to de-sync them?

Hi @TemporaryUserName !

When you click this menu item it starts all of the channel pulses over at the same moment. If CHAOS=0 (the knob turned all the way counterclockwise), then all the pulses will be exactly in sync.

If you feed in a polyphonic cable into the SYNC port, each channel in the cable is an independent trigger for the corresponding channel in Pop’s PULSE output.

But if you feed a monophonic cable, the same trigger applies across all channels. (More precisely and generally, the final channel in the SYNC is shared across all output channels beyond the number of channels in SYNC.)

My best guess is that you are feeding in a monophonic SYNC input, but I’m not sure because I can’t see your patch. Would you be willing to upload your patch here?

Many thanks. I now understand what the sync button does. I’m not feeding anything into the sync input.

Looking at the patch now with my glasses on, I see that the audio cable out of Palette looks thin, like a mono cable. So it is probably some aspect of Palette that I do not understand, not Pop.

Thanks again for your chaos modules. I’m now using them in every patch instead of LFOs.

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You need to feed it a polyphonic pitch.

Thanks brother, much appreciated! And now I immediately hear that sixteen channels is way too many…


This makes me feel great! That is my vision for the chaos modules too… they are LFOs, only more interesting and adjustable.


Same here, digging all three!

I had an idea last night for a module that uses your chaos + XYZ axis approach: An envelope follower that detects pitch and loudness from incoming data to generate the X and Y axes, plus some chaos for the Z axis. Perhaps the ability to feed some chaos from the Z axis into the X and Y axes.

One could patch something like this together in VCV with existing modules, but I like to observe the tricorder output.

You can do both. Take a look at Sapphire Tin. It allows you to feed any 3 voltages you want into Tricorder. Here is the Tin manual.

I hope this is what you are asking about. If not, please try again and I’ll do my best.

Very nice, thanks again.