Purchased Module not showing in Library

Hi I purchased the Mokbar Model V and my money has been taken, the online view shows a “remove” button so I suppose something has happened but it is not in my library to select. I have waited Friday and all weekend but nothing has shown up. Am I missing something or doing something wrong? I’m running a MAC and using Rack 2.0

Contacted the support email address but not received any reply back yet.

Any help would be appreciated

Did you do the update from the VCV Rack application menu? Usually you see a red dot to show updates are available.

Are you logged in within VCV Rack?

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Seems not… Rookie mistake, was logged in on an ancient hotmail account and had purchased via a gmail account. D’oh! Hope this helps someone else


good that you got it sorted.

I think we can close this thread, as it is solved.