Preparing a struct/struct member for float_4?

If I update to latest version, currently on 2.4.1, all I have to do is install latest version and download the SDK for the latest version and point to that instead of the 2.4.1 sdk, right?


Some of us recommend building Rack over using the SDK. Once you start doing fancier things, it’s very helpful to have full rack source and to debug into Rack code.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

I am just using the SDK for now, since it does the job pretty well, without too much of a hassle :slight_smile:

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I have to confess I mainly do it that way because it’s how I’ve always done it, and I’m lazy. That said, there are good reasons, for sure debuggability is a huge one. Also:

  • That way I have two versions of VCV, the real one, and my “dev” one. The dev one has many fewer modules.

  • If you can build VCV, you can for sure build a plugin.

  • No need to worry about the SDK.

  • I can build “future” versions of VCV in my “other” place.

  • I think maybe some tools (ASAN?) make you change the build of the host module??

  • I have the full source of VCV hanging around to it’s easy to look at it if I feel like it.

I build Rack from source because it helps me fix an audio glitch I encountered on my Linux system. But I have always used the SDKs to develop, because I feel it gives me a “blessed” reference to build against.

I didn’t know about the improved debugging experience if I just used Rack source for everything. I’m going to experiment with that soon.

It’s not a huge difference, depending on what you are doing. I have to confess my “debugging” is mainly to back trace from an assert in my code - would probably be just fine with SDK. It’s really just muscle memory for me at this point…

[ My main debugging in in my unit tests, and that is independent of rack/sdk anyway ]