the first one on the top left is Folding with set to sine and depth PI. Folding is feeded with a saw from VCV LFO. So it outputs a sine wave with a fully controllable phase. With the Reset Input of the LFO the phase can be restarted anytime and shifted with the offset control of Folding. On the right i have used terrorform to pipe in a modified phase using the shaper output.
on the bottom left terrorform itself is used as phase controlled oscillator by setting it in zero mode and feed the saw into the FM input. However i don’t know why it outputs the double frequency.
On the bottom right i have used the SuperLFO with setting the frequency all the way down (it still has a small amount but this is not noticeable) and used the phs input to drive it.
Because of the interesting results when playing arround with it (you can plug in every module you like in between the phasor and the “oscillator” if the module has an input and an output, or an arbitrary waveform could be used as phasor) i have built and adapted some more modules to have a phase input, coming soon.
NB it does not sound so good if an analog simulated saw is used as phasor - the bleps make noise …
thnaks a lot man it could be perfect, i will check, i need to retriger the osc cycle at the same point on each trig, i think just like when using a sync input, but i need to be abble to choose where in the cycle it retrig so i think this could work
There is even more fun to be had by putting a Waveshaper between the Modulator and
the Carrier. Thus controlling the shape of the Modulator.
You can use any Waveshaper (actually anything that changes the waveshape).
But…the ultimate shape master (in VCV Rack) is MindMeld ShapeMaster. Even the Free version can help you out. You can use the T/G input to feed it some audiorate signal (e.g. a VCO) and then use the CV output as the “operator” output. After that, you can create any shaper shape in ShapeMaster.
ShapeMaster also gives you control over the phase angle. So, you can play with that too.
In the ShapeMaster “factory” presets you will find some examples of waveshaper shapes to start with, provided by modular magician Jakub Ciupinski (who also has a video out on ShapeMaster as a Waveshaper in his series about Shapemaster).
Not sure I understand why Bogaudio Sine is not doing the job.
The Sync input retriggers the Osc cycle and I thought the Phase knob would control where in the waveform the cycle retriggers from. If the Phase knob is not doing that, what is it doing?
In that kick patch I uploaded, you can see the waveform on the scope stays completely consistent for each kick - it doesn’t move, which suggests it is retriggering from the same point on the waveform each time. Moving the phase knob does change the sound a little, which suggests it is changing where in the waveform it is retriggering from.
Somehow I have allways been shying away from samples an sampling. Soon takes up a lot of space and often requires many long searches for the right sample. And samples are rather static compared to synthesis.
But the days of simple record & playback are far behind us. Many creative ways to use and manipulate samples (and sample playback) have been introduced (like Wavetable synthesis).
As you state in the SFZ documentation:
‘It also has a fairly unique LFM input that lets you do linear, through zero FM using the samples as the carrier.’
You could load any “single cycle” waveshape and used as a carrier in a Phase Modulation setup. These days, you can also do that ‘single cycle’ thing with Wavetable oscillators that offer FM/PM, e.g. the Fundamental “Wavetable” oscillator.
But, if you are of the more adventurous type, you can use the SFZ Player to load any length of any sampled material and Phase Modulate it. No need for the “complicated” Waveguide Delay “workaround”.
Regarding ShapeMaster - i tried because i have seen the video from Jakub Cuipinski - works good but it seems not to be polyphonic in CV mode !?. Also very interesting is to put all kind of filters in between e.g. Bogaudio FFB, PEQ or VCV VCF.
Only the VCAs are polyphonic on ShapeMaster, the Trig inputs are not - because that would then involve having 16 different playheads per channel and it just gets too complex and would likely use significantly more CPU.
bog sine is doing the job really good as well as shape master but if there are other oscillators where it s possible it s welcome for more options in term of sound
Again, Jakub Ciupinski might give you a solution. He’s always trying to get all the potential out of the tools. And more important: sharing this info with the world.
He just wondered if it would be possible to get “multiple” playheads out of Shapemaster. He ended up using the concept of aliasing.
Running the “playhead” (e.g. of a sequencer or in this case ShapeMaster) at high frequencies (hundreds of Hz) and the use sample and hold at some different/lower frequency on the signal to pick the “sequence” or “level” up at preferred points in its cycle.
Just look for “Jakub Ciupinski” and/or “Alias trick”
Venom VCO Lab and VCO Unit oscillators give you complete control over phase of each waveform, as well as a hard sync input. Both phase and hard sync can be driven at audio rates with optional over sampling to mitigate aliasing. They can also run at LFO rates.
In addition, they offer one shot modes and 0 Hz carrier mode, among all sorts of other techniques.