[Noob question] MacOS debugging setup


I’ve just completed plugin development tutorial and then created a couple of single modules that route / mix audio.

Now that I feel comfortable deploying modules to VCV Rack I’d like to get more into advanced sdk features and I’ll need a debugger setup for that.

Currently I’m editing files in Sublime and building / deploying to rack with make / make install. I have prebuilt version of VCV Rack (1.1.6) and Rack-SDK (1.1.6) that I’ve also downloaded. Again, I didn’t build Rack or RackSDK from source.

Now I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around on how to attach GDB to my plugin. Any help would be welcome. Again, I’m a gdb noob and not familiar with C++ programming environment or tools so please bear with me.

Cheers! Michal

Build VCV itself, then run make debug. The debugger is attached to VCV itself, which is of course the process that is running your plugin. There are ways to connect without building VCV yourself. That’s just the way I do it.

You can run lldb ./Rack to launch Rack in the LLDB debugger.