new constant crash osx

today rack started crashing on me. I am on 1.15 and osx 10.14.6, also EH fv-1.emu keeps failing to update and is missing from my plugin list.

[37.050 fatal src/main.cpp:39] Fatal signal 11. Stack trace:
19: 1   Rack                                0x00000001022d7019 _ZL18fatalSignalHandleri + 41
18: 2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff7c03ab5d _sigtramp + 29
17: 3   ???                                 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
16: 4   plugin.dylib                        0x00000001083d6a1c _ZN4rack19createParamCenteredI7MedKnobI9LightKnobEEEPT_NS_4math3VecEPNS_6engine6ModuleEi + 268
15: 5   plugin.dylib                        0x00000001083d6481 _ZN5EO102C2EP6EO_102 + 1969
14: 6   plugin.dylib                        0x00000001083d4881 _ZZN4rack11createModelI6EO_1025EO102EEPNS_6plugin5ModelERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEEEN6TModel22createModuleWidgetNullEv + 33
13: 7   Rack                                0x0000000102301ca6 _ZN4rack3app8ModelBox13createPreviewEv + 230
12: 8   Rack                                0x000000010230169e _ZN4rack3app8ModelBox4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE + 46
11: 9   Rack                                0x000000010233bfce _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
10: 10  Rack                                0x000000010233bfce _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
9: 11  Rack                                0x000000010233bfce _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
8: 12  Rack                                0x000000010233bfce _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
7: 13  Rack                                0x0000000102337b54 _ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget4drawERKNS_6widget6Widget8DrawArgsE + 52
6: 14  Rack                                0x000000010233bfce _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
5: 15  Rack                                0x000000010233bfce _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
4: 16  Rack                                0x000000010233bfce _ZN4rack6widget6Widget4drawERKNS1_8DrawArgsE + 334
3: 17  Rack                                0x00000001022ef66a _ZN4rack6Window3runEv + 1418
2: 18  Rack                                0x00000001022d6b4e main + 1310
1: 19  Rack                                0x000000010226e034 start + 52
0: 20  ???                                 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1

#development is not for bug reports unless you’re asking why your own plugin is not working. See