My Big Black Panther


Just finished uploading my first attempt at YouTube: a combination of a recent painting and a generative piece. I consider it a memory for myself as I believe the installation makes the most sense IRL.

I want to thank for his ongoing effort to share VCV Rack knowledge.

The painting is quite big IRL ( 210 x 300 cm ) and I have yet to figure out how to best combine the physical appearance with the digital representation. It will be up for sale next month ( will be auctioned for addiction treatment and prevention ). I loved making it: I felt part of the big canvas while sitting on top of some contraption to be able to cover angles and distances. I want the audio to convey that feeling to the audience.

Things I would like to improve:

  • control via hardware midi controller / ipad during auction day
  • build up the sonic experience over ( a set ) time
  • improve the video / audio synergy ( a lot :blush: )
  • really understand some options so musical counterparts can interact in a musical way
  • long term: come up with methods to analyse the painting and use that as signal input(s)

Tips are welcome as is criticism. Thanks!