Moog style modules?

You can associate for example drifting with integral

Component get warm

Drifting can occur via component temperature

Via an accumulation of integral

No one has remarked That the square signal Has the biggest integral in alternative signal?

Yeah one of our filter models has a (non exposed) temperature Param but the surge vco drift is just a more basic internal mean reverting randomish lfo


I think you meant M-x expose-param?

I see youā€™ve only had an account here a few days. Welcome! Folks on this forum tend to be a bit more polite and inquisitive (ā€œAny reason you didnā€™t expose it?ā€ type thing) or forthcoming with new info (ā€œThatā€™s cool but flambloms filterulator actually has a wide variety of capacitor temperaturesā€) and a bit less sort of ā€œbarking single word instructionsā€.

As to the reason its not exposed, thereā€™s two

  1. Itā€™s not that useful to change once you dial it in. Itā€™s a correction effect for the tuning of the self resonance mostly and
  2. The way surge filters work they expose only 2 continuous parameters (cutoff + res) to the outside world. We want to change that one day (mostly so we can get the pole mixing in the OBx filters) but plumbing this through would be an enormous amount of machinery

The particular thermal factor is here: and the reference to the papers that model uses are above. That should be more than enough to implement a parallel version of the filter where you can play with all the parameters which get fixed/picked by the model if you want!

  1. Buy VCV host
  2. Buy Moog Mariana. On sale now for $49
  3. Sorted.

Or experiment with VCV Rack & see what you come with.

Personally I donā€™t have any desire to duplicate whar Tangerine dream did 50 years ago but if thatā€™s your thing go for it.

I also find that trying to recreate a specific musical thing I always miss. But then I have an interesting starting point to make something original.


My hardware setup is very eclectic, with some of it I built 50 years ago this year. In 2016 I decided to rebuild my recording studio and I bought way too much hardware and then shortly thereafter, VCV Rack came along and now I seldom turn on the hardware side of my studio.

But, my approach to incorporating Moog in hardware was to buy two Moog Mother-32 modular synths and rack them in a Eurorack. I also have a Moog Minataur perching on top of the Moog labeled rack enclosures.

I doubt that I will be buying more Eurorack hardware in the future as there is so much I can do in VCV Rack, especially since I have so many VST plugins.

Iā€™m definitely not a purist.

As others have said here, a good musician can make anything sound good, or so it seems to me. I am not a good musician though, so I need lots of help.

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Expose the temperature param temperature go higher with saturation I think

Seriously,no need to make complex process to give an imperfection to the sound

maybe RMS is the key

There is also an accumulation and dissipation of calories in a componentā€¦negligible

In music,the perfection has no sense

There is no physical instrument which are perfectly tunesā€¦no cesium