Monome modules dev log

New beta release on GitHub with fixes for M1 and Arch Linux, MIDI-mappable grid switching (finally!), and some graphics updates.


Anyone have experience using these with oxi one sequencer in monome grid emulation Mode?

As of v2.1.3, for the first time, this plugin is now available through the VCV Library. Thanks to all who provided feedback during the long alpha/beta period, and of course huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the original module firmware development.

We now have an extensive online manual for the modules (also accessible within Rack from the right-click menu or Ctrl-F1.)

v2.1.3 release notes: Release v2.1.3 · Dewb/monome-rack · GitHub




Woahhh, cool, congrats!!!


Thanks and well done Michael! Having fun exploring Teletype…


It is a really powerful and fascinating thing, I think.


Wow, this looks impressive… but the learning curve seems like standing at the base of Mt. Everest and looking up. And I have to learn the local language :wink:


Yeah, if you look at the cheatsheet it can be overwhelming, but the trick to eating an elephant is one bite at a time. With a few statements you can already get a long way to making music and there’s good learning resources. It helped me getting stared watching the Jakub Ciupinski video, specifically about using the port of Teletype in VCV Rack.


Teletype’s core functionality is covered in the first 3 pages of the cheatsheet, so you can ignore the rest if that makes it seem less daunting.

The remainder is about interacting with other hardware. Page 4 is about creating custom grid interfaces, which does apply to VCV Rack, but page 5 onward covers MIDI + i2c interactions with other modules, which are not (currently) supported in Rack.


Yup, I already learned that :slight_smile: Michael, do you know that in the library version you’re distributing the firmware for all three platforms? It adds quite a bit of weight. I can see that it takes 11MB on disk on my Mac and 9MB of those are files for Windows and Linux.

That will get fixed in the next update – if you need to conserve disk space before then, the non-library releases don’t have this issue.


Just wanted to point it out in case you weren’t aware. 11MB is not an issue on my disk :slight_smile: I thought more of the poor VCV servers. 9MB * 50000 users (or however many) is quite an overhead :slight_smile:

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Yep, that is what I was watching when I wrote the above, in awe.


Thanks. I have now printed out the first 3 pages.


Haha - the “kids” at work always make fun of me for printing stuff out.


A long time ago I made PDF versions of the Teletype Studies here: Teletype Studies PDF + LaTeX - Monome - lines

It’s worth scrolling down to the post linked in my top post, as Ezra Buchla (zebra) posted an updated LaTeX version with much better looking output.

EDIT: Also, for what it’s worth, this is an experimental EP that I made using the hardware versions of Teletype and Elements: Telemetry EP | The February Thaw It’s incredible having 100% accurate versions of these modules available at all times. I cannot thank @Dewb enough for spearheading this project.


Nice! I really like JR.RMODE 1

Edit: Oops, I did not intend to reply to you Lars :wink: @trickyflemming

I’m playing with Teletype and slowly understanding the LIVE mode and how to send arbitrary CV out a port. But, am I understanding this correctly that I cannot send 10.0v out using the CV 1 VV 1000 command? I.E., Teletype being 14 bits internally can send a max voltage of 9.99841, correct?

So, what do I do if I need to output 10V? Do I need to use a utility module to round to 10.0V?


Thanks! That one’s the easiest to explain. It’s literally the “Hidden Path No Path” script in the factory presets. There’s a steady clock, along with three other gate outputs with 75%, 50%, and 25% probability. The script gate inputs pick things like step forward, step backwards, etc. within a sequence defined via the tracker view. I plugged the various gate outputs back into itself, so it’s just entirely Teletype on the sequencing. The oscillator on that was Mannequins Just Friends (but you could use any oscillator + env combo), and the harmonic delays were created by the Intellijel Rainmaker synced to the steady clock output. I wish I remembered more specific details, but it’s an improvised hardware patch from 5-6 years ago. Unlike the rest of the EP, that was entirely a live recording with no post-processing.

Unfortunately I do not have an answer for this. I typically never use the full voltage range for modulation or sequencing, so I haven’t run into this limitation. If I were in that situation, I would either use a quantizer (so that it gets rounded to 10V, which would likely be C on a quantizer), or I would transpose the sequence an octave down and use a voltage adder (like ALM Beast’s Chalkboard).