Module to connect/disconnect rack cables over midi

I’ve read it all and enjoyed seeing how this idea came to life, Ben, :raised_hands:t4::raised_hands:t4:

Open source it’s one of the beautiful things humans can do.

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Are the T7 modules available anywhere yet? Missed this whole thread somehow and now my brain’s on fire after catching up (thanks to @mudjakub’s knots video for sending me down a rabbit hole that eventually dropped me here)

Answered my own question… found packtau :+1:t3:

This is quite truly fabulous… all working! Now to build a l’il 4in 4out control surface to experiment with.

I’m just gonna leave this here for anyone skimming the thread and wondering why they can’t get things to work (spent HOURS yesterday getting nowhere due to this):


Well, pleased to say it all works - got 14x stackable outputs and 14x stackable inputs from a single Pi Pico with no additional hardware required… (well, apart from mono sockets and patch cables).

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