Module like uMap but for multiple modules

dumb question, is there a module like Stoermelder’s uMap, but for multiple modules.

i’m currently trying to adjust the “SCL” knob on 5 instances of the Bog 4FO, in a clean way with minimal modules etc

edit: WOW, lol, i’ve gotten so used to the uMap module for everything, i forgot the Bog 4FO has direct inputs for patch cables to control the SCL input…

i’m still curious if theres a way to control several knobs on multiple instances of modules using a single module though. sometimes there arent patch cable inputs!!!

Take a look at CV-Map. You can map up to 32 parameters with the help of polyphony. You will have to merge the modulation into a poly cable.

If you right click the mapping, you can even offset things and add slew.


Stoermelder CV-Map + CV-Map CTX expander is an insanely powerful combination.

You can patch from 1 to 32 CV modulation sources into CV-Map via polyphony, and give each channel its own unique name. The CV-Map CTX expander adds context menu mapping options to all the parameters in all the modules of your patch. You can map the same source CV to multiple parameters, each with its own scaling and slew values.

Watch this video to get a sense of what it can do.


@Omri_Cohen @DaveVenom thank you both so much! i saw cv map but stupidly thought it applied to just one module, not “any” module. i’ve got my dream control setup now for the thing i’m currently working on!! will peep that video later too!

Definitely do that. CV-Map by itself is great. But when combined with the CTX expander it is a total game changer. It will probably be confusing at first, but study the video and experiment, and it will become clear. At least that how it was for me.

you’re a good man, charlie brown