Module like BogPolyOff8 but with VCAs

My dream is Bog PolyOff8 with an extra vertical column of vcas to go along with the offsets. does such a thing exist? or, is there a “best” companion module to achieve this?

even just a triple vca would be good. any suggestions besides the Granda VCA3 ?

I am not aware of a single module that can achieve this.

However, perhaps just adding a polyphonic VCA controlled by POLYCON8 may provide the desired function on a small footprint (see pic)?

What’s wrong with VCA3?


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thats interesting! i wish polycon had cv inputs though. i know i could map stuff to control those knobs, but cleaner less cluttered/cpu modules in a patch is always my goal.

the befaco hex vca is pretty nice, albeit a big large

I am thinking of adding some additional Venom poly utility modules, one of which might be suitable. I still haven’t settled on the design yet. Don’t know if/when this will come to fruition.

That patch can be accomplished with just a single POLYOFF8 by using the module context menu to change the order of operations to “offset, then scale”. But there isn’t any voltage control of the amplifier/attenuator.

Venom VCA Mix 4 can function as 5 independent VCAs if you activate the X (Exclude patched outs from mix) button (red). You also probably want to set the M (Level Mode) button to Bipolar % (green), Bipolar x2 (light blue), or Bipolar x10 (dark blue). Just don’t use the Mix channel unless all the other outputs are patched.

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POLYCON8 was just an example for CV input. Just merge any CV into a polyphonic cable and feed it into VCV VCA.

Hmm, the idea was that the modulation input of VCV VCA can take any CV signal to at least attenuate the signal.

As an alternative, placing an OFFSET (Bogaudio) module instead of the VCV VCA would also allow for amplification, as its CV input ports are also polyphonic.

whats wrong with vca3? ideally i’d like to do 5 channels. but i like the size and how it looks next to polycon.

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whoa this is pretty slick. so if i wanted a 5 channel vca, i use inputs 1 - 4 on the vca mix 4, and then the chain input for channel 5? and the mix knob controls the vca just like the other four knobs? and the mix out is just channel 5 out? i just need to make sure i’m in exclude mode?


The Venom documentation describes the functionality of all my modules pretty well. At least I try to be comprehensive.

OK. I see where you are going with this. Yes, you can have different CV (envelope perhaps) for each channel with this, but the maximum amplification will be constant across all channels. I think @zakforrest is looking for a level knob and CV input for each channel.

Ahh, I see. @zakforrest, I’d be interested to learn what you are actually trying to do with the VCA.

I’m using VCAs to modulate RGB signals in laser animations for a museum installation.

If the laser color information doesn’t need any modulation I just use Polyoff8 offsets to mix colors. When the laser animation already has a specific color palette and specific on/off information baked in, then I use VCAs to safely modulate the color without ruining the baked in color palette/ on/off data.

I’m already able to do everything I need to be doing with vcv rack, it’s great! But I’m always looking for ways to reduce clutter, use less modules, or just visually be able to easily keep track of everything. Having a vca that’s either 3 or 5 channels that pairs nicely (visually) with Polyoff8 would be really useful for my incredibly niche workflow.

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Sounds cool! Any chance of a video?

My Instagram has some stuff, name is @zegreeneye


Awww, man… I miss the Windup Space!

Cool light show!

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:wave::wave::call_me_hand: dude

hey dave, i have another question… :flushed:

i’m currently using 6 envs via poly cable. how i keep 1+2 the way they are, and delay the rise of 3+4+5, as well as have the wav go back down to zero a bit earlier than 1+2.

is this achieved using poly cables for the modules input parameters? or would i need to process post module?