Module ideas

Mockba Modular has a stereo VCA called feidah-S.


I’ve wanted something like this for a very long time!

Granular Oscillator with Density Control

Where you can control the degree to which the grains overlap, like in Madrona Labs’ Kaivo.

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I’m not sure what modulation source would get you closest (depends on how you want overlap to work), but can’t that be done by modulating the position parameter on Clouds (audible instruments texture)?

I’m thinking of a sampler/sound source rather than an effect.

In my opinion without these plugins Rack will not become a full fledged DAW:


The main purpose is multi-track recording and playback of sound. The “freeze” function appears and the mixing process will become easier.

In conjunction with Parametra and Console getting a full portastudio.

The controls:

  • 8 inputs
  • 8 outputs
  • Record button
  • Play/pause button
  • Time counter display with the ability to manually enter values for rewind in the desired time of recording
  • For the record and play/pause buttons trigger/gate inputs
  • Output for synchronization with other modules
  • It also does not hurt to be able to download an external audio file to the channel.

MIDI Recorder

The goal is to record and play MIDI with the ability to edit.

The controls are similar to a Portastudio, but only one recording channel. The main feature - the ability to synchronize with the Portastudio time counter.

Similar functionality is implemented in the seq++ module, but it is a sequencer. Recording MIDI notes is implemented only step by step. There is no possibility to record live performance. And there’s no record of velocity.

CV Recorder

The goal is to record and play the CV with the ability to edit (if possible).

The controls are similar to a Portastudio, but only one recording channel. The main feature - the ability to synchronize with the Portastudio time counter.

In principle, the functionality of this module overlaps the functionality of the MIDI recorder, since it will be possible to record non MIDI notes but V/oct signals. But the problem in this case is editing.

The lack of these modules gives rise to many complex (and in my opinion unnecessary) ways to connect VCVRack to other DAW.


I’m working on both of these… watch this space!

(These upcoming modules are the pitch and CV siblings of Entrian Drummer, which is a DAW-like trigger sequencer.)


VCV also has two upcoming products in this space: VCV Timeline, a 6-channel audio/CV clip recorder with a traditional timeline UI, and VCV Piano Roll, a polyphonic piano roll sequencer.


There is @stoermelder ReMove Lite in PackOne also for recording voltages / automation, you can’t edit the values but you can store up to 8 sequences.

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That’s cool. I look forward to it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is there any plan in V2 or later of offering a kind of transport API ? I’m thinking mostly about upcoming Rack for Daws and the ability for the user to jump to any arbritrary point of a song for playback. But maybe that’s the goal of VCV timeline ?

Yes, I know. But the main idea was to synchronize with the timeline of other modules. To the same in ReMove Lite how I know cannot be recorded CV, only automation.

Racket Science Vector Victor is a super simple CV recorder / looper. New much improved version coming that will include some form of non destructive editing.

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I don’t want to add an API for getting global transport information (users would generally use the MIDI-CV’s clock output for that), but you’re welcome to add a proposal at for a “timecode over CV” standard.

VCV Timeline will be clocked like any other Rack sequencer.

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So all Seq++ needs is real time record and velocity? Then It will take over the world?


did you try Nysthi’s Complex simpler

Possible… :wink:

Some proposal would be great. Don’t know if it’s a global transport, a global clock, whatever… but would be great for a lot of applications.

Yes, been thinking about this about quite some time actually. Let’s not hijack this topic, but discuss it on github instead :wink:


cv recorder: have you ever tried LOGAN20 ? 20 cv tracks of recording