Module ideas

@dag2099 Im interested. Also Im specifically interested in the turing part.

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Patch Documenter

As someone who shouldn’t ever be allowed to code anything, I may talking out of an orifice here. But with each patch consisting of a file that contains things like plugin collection, names, and versions, along with parameters for each plugin, I would think a plugin that creates a snapshot of a current patch and outputs it into something readable would be simple. Maybe something that looks like this:

Patch Name: My Freakshow of a Patch [taken from the file name]

Module 1: AudioInterface v1.1.6 (Core)
	deviceName: Focusrite USB ASIO
	maxChannels: 8
	sampleRate: 44100,
	blockSize: 256

Module 2: VCO v1.4.0 (Fundamental)
	id: 0
	value: 1.0
	id: 1
	value: 1.0
	id: 2
	value: 0.0
	id: 3
	value: 0.0
	id: 4
	value: 0.0
	id: 5
	value: 0.5
	id: 6
	value: 0.0

It would be nice if those IDs had something more descriptive but it’s easy enough to figure out and non-coders can’t be choosers.

Something that autosaved based on a chosen schedule would be great, too.

A TXT file would work. Something prettier would be better/more of a hassle to create (I’d imagine), but a PDF would be great. If it could also capture an image of the patch (no idea how that would work) that would be spectacular. And a PDF containing those images along with the documentation? Well, that would be perfect.

The .vcv patch format is JSON. Just use that.

Yes, the JSON was what I used to come up with the info posted above. And I can either convert the JSON to something else or just read the JSON file myself. But the idea was for a module that you could add to your patch, click a button, and have that JSON file converted into something not just human readable but, maybe, elegant. I probably could have been clearer about that.

You could convert autosave.vcv to yaml in the command line

Yaml is a bit easier on the eyes, but I don’t get why you want to read a patch in the first place, it’s hard to make sense of the textual data on its own especially cabling, which is a defining part of any patch imo.

This idea of extracting data from patches is likely to become more useful after the new zip format comes into effect in v2 ( Those interested in knowing which modules they use most frequently (stoermelder's Idea und Development Thread), or desiring to search for a patch or patches with a given label or some other characteristics could use such output as an alternative to decompressing all their patches to get at the data.

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cson is another very-human-readable serialized format, even more IMO than yaml. I wish it was more popular.


You linked to my comments :slight_smile: If you are talking about patch stats, I’m all for it. Better summarize as a module idea.

Patch browser module

Similarly to how the MB from Stoermelder works, one can imagine a patch browser module as well. When clicked it opens a floating widget, with the patches folder, showing list of patches.

When one is selected, a summary is shown with

  • a screenshot (rendered on the fly)
  • number of modules and cables in patch
  • creation and modification time
  • if the patch contains Fundamental Notes, the text from it shows up as a description
  • warning about missing modules

The listing of patches can be ordered by some of the former properties.

A couple of actions that would be useful

  • save/load/clone patches
  • filter patches by what module(s) they contain

There’s also a “Stats” tab, with overall statistics. Below some examples of what to get out from patch files only

  • Activity timeline similar to the activity curve on github, based on the timestamps of the files
  • Total number of patches, modules and cables used
  • Approximate area covered by modules in squaremeters, and overall cable length in meters
  • Most used modules
  • Most used cable color

additional stuff

  • show Strip save files in a similar fashion
  • when a patch is selected find similar patches based on the modules used.
  • change folder

Here it is. Sorry for the wait:

I didn’t make this on stream but i did make the previous example here It’s unedited though.


This is all great stuff. I’m in.

yesterday Andrew was playing piano on Dexed Vst on his live stream, I m not sure if someone mentioned it here, but

FM Algorithm

it could be a module with four to six VCOs inputs and fm output, four to six envelopes options (Knobs and/ or CV) and Audio out

the workflow:

  • Select the number of CVOs in the patch

  • for every VCO you should connect the VCO audio signal OUT and the FM input.

  • for every VCO connect a Gate and tweak the envelopes.

  • select the FM algorithm to use.

  • play a Synthwave song

edited: could be possible make it capable to load DX7 patches?

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Someone is already doing this.

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cool , super nice!

thanks for the link!

also the now ancient “dexter” from valley is exactly this, isn’t it?

can you feed the dexter with external VCOs?

super late reply, but I get a lofi distortion effect vaguely like “disintegration loops” by using red noise (from fundamental Noise module) to control the drive amount on a VCF. Passing the noise through a wave shaper, and/or a VCA controlled by BogAudio Walk gets a very nice, controllable effect.

In general, modulating sound processors with filtered noise is a way to add grit.


Yeah I’m also interested on this, or some other module that does FM taking arbitrary carrier and modulation signals. I’ll start to code if there aren’t :slight_smile:

I don’t think it’s possible to modulate an arbitrary carrier. the FM is induced while you you are generating the carrier. I must be misunderstanding here.

Most FM modules take an arbitrary (external) modulator. FM OP is the most popular. (although my Kitchen Sink does more :wink:

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Yeah, you can AM/RM any two arbitrary signals, but the frequency modulation happens inside the synthesis of the carrier.


Isn’t FM Linear type (i.e. affect frequency directly) a sort of FM? What if I modulate a frequency shifter so? Couldn’t be considered a sort of Linear FM? :stuck_out_tongue: