Module ideas

Rack as an OS :wink:

But actually, I’ve been wondering about this “native look” thing for years as I don’t understand it. When I go to a Barber’s workshop looks different than my workshop, brewery. My woodworkshop looks entirely differnt again, etc. You’d want a desktop / wokbench in such a way that you don’t need to step away from it to get an other tool. From that point of view, yes, Rack-IRC. As everything is modular it’s still the UNIX way, one module one task. Just the framework is a tad different.

In similar vain, ModuleHelp, something I asked about before. I would like to see a module that shows me the help file of a module to the left of it. Kind of like what 8Face does I think, but simpler.

It may need some standardisation from the Rack developers as where to put the help file and in what format.