Module ideas


  • 16 GATE outputs
  • TRIGGER input
  • DENSITY knob
  • CHANGE RATE knob


  • high
  • low
  • disabled (determined by AVAILABLE GATES)

DENSITY controls the number of GATES that are high at any given moment.

On each TRIGGER, the module randomly selects n low GATES to turn high and n high GATES to turn low, where n is determined by CHANGE RATE.

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RackRadio An module that makes webradio possible (Icecast / Dark Ice) as @synthi somewhere said that real modular synhtesists don’t rename their files. So why not a permanent stream?


There is one in this plugin. I think there is more not sure!

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Wasn’t clear, I meant sending not receiving. Turn rack into a radiostation.

EDIT: the combination with antn is interesting, send your beats, receive matching chords from an other, kind of a collaborative patch (that could be transmitted through an other IP)

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Why not just live stream to Twitch or YouTube! How would it keep time? There is massive delay on online streams it is not live as in instant.

I was wondering if it will be possible (with the headless v2) to convert a patch into an executable file, and run it on a server…so I have my evolving patch running forever :scream:


becouse many of us are not twitch or you tube users and we prefer stay like that, could be really nice open directly from vlc (or whatever player) a vcv artist live session

it make me remain this renoise IRC add-on that allow connect to the renoise IRC channel without leave the software, would be nice have something similar

IRC chat module

a module to allow the communication between users through IRC without leave the software


Rack as an OS :wink:

But actually, I’ve been wondering about this “native look” thing for years as I don’t understand it. When I go to a Barber’s workshop looks different than my workshop, brewery. My woodworkshop looks entirely differnt again, etc. You’d want a desktop / wokbench in such a way that you don’t need to step away from it to get an other tool. From that point of view, yes, Rack-IRC. As everything is modular it’s still the UNIX way, one module one task. Just the framework is a tad different.

In similar vain, ModuleHelp, something I asked about before. I would like to see a module that shows me the help file of a module to the left of it. Kind of like what 8Face does I think, but simpler.

It may need some standardisation from the Rack developers as where to put the help file and in what format.


yes, ModuleHelp could be great as i don’t have internet all the time.

And maybe not the complete Github manual, just a few tips and the input/output range value.

And to go deeper in this way, a patch with an example of each module. In the software TouchDesigner (yes i really love it !), there is a lot of example for each module, and i find it very useful !

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N versions of a same “mono” module made easy. (Uses the Rack V1 expander mechanism—like Stoermelder Strip and 8face.)

Insert between 1 primary instance of a module on the left, and N secondary instances of that same module on the right. Control the knobs/user facing parameters (if possible, including menu settings) of the secondary modules through the primary module. Unpatched inputs on the secondary modules are normalled to the corresponding patched inputs of the primary module.

(If possible, handle poly cables into mono inputs by feeding channel 1 to the primary module, and channels 2-N to the corresponding unpatched inputs on secondary modules. If possible, output poly signals from mono outputs on the primary module + equivalent unpatched outputs on the secondary modules (again treading the primary as channel 1, and the secondary as 2-N.))

Have a look here 3 days ago: Stoermelder’s PackOne v1.5.0 - new modules SAIL, PILE and MIDI-STEP - #6 by stoermelder


SquinkyLabs modules all have had module help for a long time. It sounds like rack 2.0 is planning on doing it, too. But our does, and their’s will, require an internet connection.

I’d like it without an internet connection. Just click a Notes like module next to a module and the text shows up. Nothing fancy, just plain text that could live in the json.

Plugin manuals already have a context menu item in the plugin context menu, I know this because it was a request I made. There will be a manualUrl field per module in v2. Turn on tool tips! If this info is not filled in make the request to the developer.

yeah, that’s what I meant when I said coming soon to VCV, been in SquinkyLabs for long time.

Guitar tab player.

Basically similar function to midi player. Correct formatting might be an issue, but it’s easier to massage a text file than figure out a song by ear.

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Clockable Polyphonic CV Recorder

Records, plays back and loops up to 16 CV inputs via a polyphonic input. Allows user to set number of steps to loop, based on clock input. Constantly loops at the required length, but only records or plays back when set to record or playback mode.

Will only record or overwrite data on a polyphonic channel where the CV values are changing, allowing you to record one or more CV inputs at a time without overwriting polyphonic channels where CV isn’t changing.

That sounds nice… In theory, if I had a choir sample, for example, and ran it through this effect, could I sustain it indefinitely and use it as a voice?

Upcoming Entrian timeline module can do poly CV recording and even will allow to do editing after that

nysthi::LOGAN it’s already CV RECORDER (20 channels) and you can edit in EXCEL (or google spreadsheets… )