Maxwell Modular - Plans for Rack 1.0

Very excited for VCV Rack 1.0!

In light of that and my absence from participating in the Rack community, I wanted to post some of what I plan to begin creating for the Maxwell Modular YouTube using VCV rack. I had started a set of Fundamental module based tutorial videos and Noobhour module videos in part way through the fall 2018 semester. However, since winter break I had become a bit overwhelmed and burnt out with teaching and campus studio work. So, I could not bring myself to even noodle or try to play with Rack or anything remotely creative.

This last week has been depressed and tiring, but I have had the capacity to begin working with Rack again and I am hopeful for getting back into this community.

First things, I intend to create a series of short videos on the Fundamental module set and utilize that as a resource for my university courses in conjunction with some presentation files I have but need to update. For this, I have gone and updated the intro sequence for my videos.

Something I plan to try either this Sunday or next is to live stream some sort of ‘patch from scratch’ variant. I am currently unsure if I should go live with voice over, webcam, or just the screen capturing.

Eager for the update and to get back to making work to share.


I hear you, I haven’t made a patch in several weeks due to live becoming surreal before starting to crawl back into some sort of understandable structure. So take care of you first, if patching help do it, if it frustrates stop until you feel a bit of energy, Pushing when things are just not right is futile and damaging to (mental) health and wellbeing. Just as a supportive call that we all have these periods in life where this just doesn’t fit in, or can be focused on. If balance of life is on the positive side you are doing fine.


Yeah, it has been constant depressive episodes since December at least. Then teaching overload with facilities management has been great for work, but otherwise exhausting.

I figure, if I can get into the habit of producing the streams I want, I can keep a more regular patching performance / art as therapy thing going. Which will better myself for the day-to-day. Thankfully the semester is nearly over. Though there is plenty of stuff for me to do over the summer.

I am trying to approach this as a weekly free-patch / process driven thing. Happy little accidents and all that.

What type of sounds or styles do you enjoy exploring?

General question:

Would you prefer a screen of just Rack during stream or do you prefer to see the host?

I prefer to see both, if it is possible

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I’d be interested in seeing your VCV Rack teaching materials. A local university music camp wants me to do a demo.

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