Issues with custom Knobs

finished porting my “Autodafe” to V1

However, if I try to add some of my modules, Rack crashes . In the crash report I see the issue is related to some custom knobs I am using.
The strange is that PURPLE knobs are rendered correctly… all othe colors crash Rack


struct AutodafeKnobPurple : SvgKnob {
	AutodafeKnobPurple() {
		box.size = Vec(20, 20);
		minAngle = -0.75*M_PI;
		maxAngle = 0.75*M_PI;
		setSVG(APP->window->loadSvg(asset::plugin(pluginInstance, "res/AutodafeKnobPurple.svg")));


struct AutodafeKnobGreen : SvgKnob {
	AutodafeKnobGreen() {
		box.size = Vec(20, 20);
		minAngle = -0.75*M_PI;
		maxAngle = 0.75*M_PI;
		setSVG(APP->window->loadSvg(asset::plugin(pluginInstance, "res/AutodafeKnobGreen.svg")));

they look identical to me, but something goes wrong…

does app::SvgKnob fix