Instruo won't show up in Library

Hi, I’ve had no problem installing on linux (arch). I’ve deleted the Instruo folder in v1-plugins and redownloaded. Before restarting Rack, I’ve checksummed the .zip file:

$ md5sum 

This file installs fine. Did you download the same files?

[0.207 warn src/plugin.cpp:158] Could not load plugin /home/ewen/.Rack/plugins-v1/Instruo: Failed to load library /home/ewen/.Rack/plugins-v1/Instruo/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /home/ewen/.Rack/plugins-v1/Instruo/

Can’t be bothered to attempt to fix it, still way beyond caring. Do like the look of that quantizer though :slight_smile:

looks like the plugins were compiled on arch linux system and are thus only compatible with arch linux - it might be good if they could recompile them on the recommended ubuntu-16.04 i think - then they should be compatible with most linux systems i guess …

update: maybe a newer ubuntu version like 18.04 might be ok too - arch linux seems to use a newer version of glibc (and its libm) which is too new for (at least older) ubuntu systems …

Thanks for the help. :slightly_smiling_face: Its my first time posting here.

Same problem here. I had understood Ubuntu 18.04 to be a minimum version for vetting a plugin before adding it to the Library. Has that changed ?

Working on my Mac, High Sierra. Worth trying to fix because these modules are incredible, I’m having way to much fun right now! :slight_smile:

I believe it’s glibc 2.23 and libstdc++ 5.4.0, which correspond to Ubuntu 16.04

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I’m on ubuntu 18.04 and 1.1.0 seems broken. it just keeps reinstalling over and over.

Edit: just understood the above, I’m stuck on glibc 2.27 :frowning: Looks like 20.04 has a new enough one.

That’s annoying. I just downloaded these, and rebuilt the squashed FS where I keep VCV. I guess I don’t need to push it out to my machines. Respect the existing minimums please, guys!

That also works with Slackware provided you patch VCV’s build to pass -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1.

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Jason, the (or one of the) devs replied to my email… new build incoming later tonight or tomorrow. :slight_smile:


OK, that’s annoying. I tried it out on my Windows box and it was working. Came back to my regular Linux desktop and discovered the Instruo plug-ins don’t work. Only time I’ve had this happen all year. Hoping they get it fixed so I can play with it while on vacation.

I just booted it up today, updated it, and the Instruo modules show up and work now! :smile: My thanks to the devs for fixing the issue. :clap:

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Confirmed, yes, working and yay. Love these modules already. Thanks for the fast fix

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As one who kvetched obnoxiously, I must say thanks to the Instruo crew for sorting this out so quickly.

New toys! :smiley:

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hi guys, I’m running VCV rack 2 on a mac with sierra 10.13.6. Downloaded the instruo modules, but they don’t appear in my library. No instruo folder in my user folder.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance, first post here :slight_smile:

Instruo modules have not yet been ported to VCV 2

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not yet

why i do have Instruo in standalone version but not in vst (using ableton macbook air m2)?

You are probably using the x64 Standalone and the ARM64 vst version of Rack2 and Instuo are not ported to ARM64 yet.