IDE for rack and plugins


you can try what is posted here - Build VCVRack with Conan and CMake + add CI

This works with CMake. Just follow the instructions and, if needed, get familiar with the used tools. It looks like there is a lot to setup, but if everything is setup, it is rather very easy to use and work with.

IDE’s that you can work with out of the box are QT Creator or Clion.

For using Clion you would have to create the CMake project under Windows like this cmake -G "CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..\Rack

Just create a project in the IDE and point to the generated project (build folder).

You can also create already an Visual Studio Solution, but you won’t be able to compile Rack completely, as it is not “MSVC compatible”. And Visual Studio must be installed on your machine!
To do this, create a CMake project like this (adapt it to your VS version if needed):

  • create a build directory and cd into it
  • Execute conan install ../Rack
  • Execute cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" ../Rack

Then open the created Solution in your VS, thats it.