I need help with the screen recorder on my iMac

Hello, I’m currently running a 2020 iMac with 8GB Ram and a 3.1 GHz 6-core processor. Dedicated graphics card is an AMD Radeon Pro 5300, 4 GB.

I can record audio with the VCV REC module but I can’t record video. I’ve changed as many of the settings as I can and it still happens the same way. As soon as I press record, it starts to stutter badly. The output file is garbage too. It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s a large patch or just a few modules. Any thoughts?

Not sure I can help, but I am able to produce ok quality vids with an inferior system to yours except my RAM is 32gb. I am doing this with a 2-core i3, and NO dedicated gpu just the integrated graphics. I have to suspect there is something not set up to vcv-rack’s needs in your gpu. Have you tried disabling the gpu and forcing vcv-rack to use integrated graphics (which I assume is there)?

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Things to try.

  • Download unofficial version
    • Enable real-time in menu (Engine → Threads → Real-time priority)
  • Lower frame rate in menu (view->Frame rate)
  • Launch in low resolution mode (In Finder right click app → Get Info → Check Open in Low Resolution)
  • Lower sample rate, increase block size
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Can you tell me how to do that? I’m not sure how…

Thanks for these tips. Unfortunately none of them worked. Regarding the “unofficial version”, did I install the correct one?

Screen Shot 2021-03-19 at 8.56.18 PM

Nothing seemed to change regarding REC’s behavior. Is there another screen recording module I could try?

No, I’ve never had a gpu. Try looking on youtube for a diy vid on bypassing the dedicated gpu or enabling the integrated one.

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I’ve never got the VCV recorder to work properly with video my 2017 iMac - it just brought everything to a halt.

You are better off using QuickTime to record your screen. Or try OBS.

If you do a search you’ll find other threads about this issue.

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Thanks, Steve. This is sort of what I was thinking. I wasn’t sure if there was a newer workaround.

Is this a bug we can submit?

Well you could, but I don’t think any changes are going to be made to V1 before V2 comes out so probably little point.

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