Share your experience running VCV on Linux

Hi everyone, VCV Rack’s official noob here, just out of interest, who uses only Linux for music production like myself. I just wondered how many people actually use Linux only for music production.


Well, I rarely get round to any music production at all. But I do all my stuff on linux only these days. I kept my old windows PC, for doing those things that I couldn’t do on linux.: and I’ve not turned it on in more than 5 years.


Linux only here. Don’t even use wine or doze vst’s in carla.


Dual-boot here, Windows remains just because of FL Studio, which I can’t give up (yet).

Everything else I do on Linux :slight_smile:


Linux is my only OS for music, but it is also my main OS for work and such.I have some Windows VSTs that can be loaded up in Carla or Airwave/Host, but honestly rarely rarely use them, I mostly just stay in the VCV box.


Linux. Everywhere and all of the time. For over 20 years.


As a Linux user/programmer since 1994, I really prefer to stay there for my music work.

I have a heavily hacked up version of Slackware on all my boxes, and I do have WINE/vst support via fsthost. I have a number of layered instruments I play all the time, and some parts are VST, and some parts are Linux native. For instance, I have a preset I call meatbass which layers an instance of ZynAddSubFX with two instances of UHe Podolski, a tube emulator VST, and an lv2 IR reverb. Oddly, for funky bass things I’m more likely to use this VCV patch ( these days.

I really need to get a bit more done on my MIDI controller fusion thing, so that working with these gets a bit easier. As it is, I can launch my instruments with some file manager clicks, but I really don’t want to touch the mouse or terminal keyboard.


Andrew knows the answer, at least for downloads. the download numbers (iirc) are mostly windows, some mac, and 5% Linux (I think?) I may have my numbers confused, however.


I’m not into production but I use linux (openSUSE) all the way for audio stuff.


hello everyone! I m david , and I m on linux too.

I use Linux as my main OS and currently have no other , but I like windows too (as user windows 10 is great) but in any way it cant be compared with the Linux modularity for audio production.

I use vcv rack beside renoise, no other couple like that

I used Linux to work in animation since long time ago, and recently (since the vcv rack 0.4 I think ) I use Linux for audio too, in the way I learned a lot and I wrote something like a guide to myself about how to setup the environment , LASK

currently the rack on Linux are not receiving any special care to make the experience more comfortable , but it still runs very well


That was you!!! I am indebted to you as I found your guide some time back :+1:

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I m glad to help! :grinning:

Thank you for your response :grinning:.

Thank you to everyone who has responded to my topic :grinning:.


I’m usually on Windows, but my university laptop is a Linux, and i sometimes make full songs on it with Sunvox or Bitwig :slight_smile:

(Unfortunately it’s too much of a potato to run VCV :sweat_smile:)


Dedicated to Linux here. Started using it circa 1995, been using it exclusively for the past 20 years. Got all the usual suspects here - Ardour, Bitwig, various native Linux VSTs from u-he, Pianoteq, and others - along with the mighty Rack.


I’ve been using only Linux (Debian or Ubuntu) for 20 years and that includes music production applications. I’ve never been very happy with the quality of the applications themselves or the general state of audio - I just try to work around the problems. I choose and keep using Linux mostly for ethical reasons.


The download numbers on Linux might be low, a lot of people check out VCV Rack but don’t end up using it much. But it gotta be higher than 5% among people who are highly engaged with it! It definitely appeals to the sort of powerful turbonerd who runs Desktop Linux.

I’m regrettably Windows only those days, it’s too hard to be a multimedia artist who does a bit of everything if you don’t use it, I’d have to use Wine too much to run niche art software, I own too much weird old hardware, and I like playing modern games… At least Windows is slowly becoming a half-decent Ubuntu distro on the command line those days.


You make many good points. I have no idea why that 5% number is in my head. Perhaps I imagined it. Of course a metric that’s very important to some devs is “what percentage of people who pay for plugins are on platform x”. Don’t know how that skews for various operating systems. And since we both make free stuff it really doesn’t matter to us :wink:

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Hi there. Linux user here. Been using it almost exclusively for well over a decade for music production under the moniker “Daed”.

Good to see a nice little group of like-minded folks in this thread. :slight_smile: